I’ve been trying to tell ya’ll that you dudes are the Cringe-Fringe for worshiping Luigi.
TBH I find his death acceptable but I would never be the friend of the killer.
41 percent is fringe? You do know how percentages work?
24% said somewhat acceptable. 17% completely acceptable.
This is different than worshipping. Just because someone points out an ugly truth about the bubble we can be in here, doesn’t mean you have to call them a bootlicker.
Still find it funny as fuck you’ll shit on supporting Luigi but didn’t back down from defending actual Nazis a few months back
Fucking weird priorities from you
Never once have I ever defended actual nazis.
The fact that politicians and executives consider this a “shock” is part of the problem.
I’ve heard a saying that if you do anything enough, it becomes normal.
Yeah, good habits n such are important to cultivate until they’re second-nature.
It’s not shocking if you’ve had to deal with any sort of healthcare in this god forsaken shithole of a country.
Most young voters haven’t had to deal with it yet.
They have parents who have.
Are many young people (25 or younger) actually involved in their parents finances? How many parents would actually speak to their younger kids about their medical/health care issues?
You should hope you never have to experience a parent suffer the health care system… mentally or physically. Assuming you’re not a monster you’d likely have a different opinion right now. It’s stupid to assume it’s like a parent telling a toddler how they file taxes…
I saw my mother constantly get denied health care because her insurance wouldn’t cover her arthritis which was considered a “pre-existing condition”.
I saw her suffer trying to get medication for migraines every month while Merck said nope.
I saw democrats get rid of preexisting conditions with passage of ACA. I saw republicans lie about ACA claiming it’s economic demise…
Demise never happened and republicans never once proposed anything better…
So naturally…
I saw my mom deny that any of this ever happened a few years later, that democrats never helped anyone and then she advocated for trump. I’ve seen her and others say democrats are the problem.
I’ve seen a lot of weird shit…
20+ year olds helping their parents navigate the healthcare hellscape is something that is actually fairly common. My mother-in-law is a hospital social worker.
Shocking that it’s so low
41% admitted to it.
41% of people they asked! Who knows what criteria they used to get their sample set, so the number may even be higher.
Also, do we know the specific wording? The wording of the questions around it? Those can have a significant impact on the answers.
Yes. This was a study by Emerson college. The methodology is linked in the article.
Of course the old people who are “fuck you I got mine” say it’s completely unacceptable LMAO
Cannot believe what our nation is coming to! How the hell is it under 50??
I imagine it’s from people who just don’t watch the news. They don’t know how evil that CEO was, so they blindly apply common sense.
That was my gut reaction right after it happened, since UHC is my insurance company. But I’m just disappointed people are either lack curiosity, lack empathy, or actively support the true evil here.
Only? Wtf
It’s still the majority opinion.
19% don’t care.
the word you’re looking for is plurality.
Majority means over 50%.
If 19% don’t care, then it is acceptable to them.
They are not upset it happened, they accept it. They do not explicitly support it tho.
Add the 19% to 41% and get 60% do not have a problem with a broad daylight execution of a healthcare CEO.
So if you want to be pedantic, email the person (or ai) that generated the headline.
But 60% didn’t have a problem with it.
For one thing, you can sympathize but not find it acceptable.
51% think he should have been set on fire.
When I was young, I wouldn’t have found it acceptable. It doesn’t matter how badly you’re treated, you need to find a peaceful way to resist. It’s something drilled into my and my peers’ skulls since I can remember.
After seeing little progress (but mostly worsening) with polite requests and peaceful protests, I really can’t figure out how it can be unacceptable.
A lot of those kids probably just haven’t gained that wisdom yet.
There’s a middle ground between no violence and shooting someone. I’d find it acceptable if we’d all get some pitchforks and whips and send them into the diaspora. Some light lashing, some expropriations, that I could really enjoy.
Right. Thing is the ones in power never limit themselves to such kid-gloves in response.
We are literally nothing to them.
We need to bring back tar and feathering.
That’s used as a joke but it wasn’t really all fun and games. The hot tar could and did kill or disfigure people.
I am permanently disfigured due to their negligence. One of my best friends was killed by their greed.
Publically disfiguring/killing a few CEOs would be awesome. Not only would it save lives, but also it would be hella fun.
The point was not to kill them in this scenario though…
No, the point was not to shoot them.
A few CEOs dying from tarring and feathering would just be a happy little accident.
The problem is “we”. It is by design that the people are kept from organizing. Demonizing of unions, immigrants, the poor, people of different faith, and people with different political views all pit us against each other.
Fuck. So much truth here. I can’t even think of a thing to add.
Even peaceful protest is now largely impossible. Cops subject peaceful protesters to kettling, mass arrests, etc. They spy on protesters with electronic tracking, use agent provocateurs to provide excuses to disrupt non-conservative protests, and work overtime to infiltrate and disrupt peaceful protest movements. Hell, Occupy Wall Street was subject to a mass FBI-coordinated national crackdown. They don’t even let us peacefully demonstrate anymore without putting our lives and freedom at risk. They casually assault peaceful protesters with chemical weapons.
In the US, peaceful protesters have to hide their faces like the protesters in Hong Kong against the CCP.
Shocked its so low
Shit was rigged, you know they made the question something insane to get more people to not agree with the killing.
Do you think the actions of the killer of the United Healthcare CEO are acceptable or unacceptable?
I’ve seen worse phrasing for survey questions.
O damn that’s actually not worded to bad. I expected way worse than that.
Exactly. The question should have been, “did the CEO deserve to die?” It was likely, “was the killing acceptable?” It’s perfectly possible to believe the bastard had it coming without thinking one person has the right to be judge, jury, and executioner.
Apparently it was basically that, was it acceptable ot unacceptable.
I’m genuinely shocked… Maybe they didn’t want to go on record saying it because they were concerned about backlash.
People aren’t exactly gonna tell a random stranger and probable Fed that they support murder even if it’s really based
Why not? Feds support murder, certainly. Heck, the Constitution supports murder: it establishes an Army.
It’s not illegal to say you believe Brian Robert Thompson deserved to die. Hell, you could, perfectly legally, file paperwork to hold a parade in Luigi’s honor, right through the heart of DC. It’s illegal to make death threats, but it’s perfectly legal to express support for someone being killed.
With the incoming administration, I don’t want to be on record as saying that.
Then they’ve already won.
Also, the executive branch does not make or enforce legislation.
Then they’ve already won.
Alternatively, keeping your real opinions close in a hostel climate means you have more freedom to act on it. There’s a reason that revolutions are planned out of sight of the authorities.
Also, the executive branch does not make or enforce legislation.
If only Trump knew that. Well, his advisors know that and packed the courts.
And yet… You just went on record saying it on a federated platform.
Not attached with my real name and not in an easily complied format. It’s possible that lemmy is a just a big honeypot, but I doubt it.
I don’t have a problem with speaking my mind in certain citations, but I’m not outing myself in some survey that counts for nothing.
after the Nov 5th display of oligarch worshipping, maybe not as surprising it isn’t higher
I mean, “Broadly gesturing to everything”
They also claim that they want more equality, universal healthcare, less student debt, etc. And then a ton of them proceeded to vote for Donald Trump. I can’t take anything they say seriously.
Any CEO (actually, any rich person- the ticket the more this applies) that doesn’t donate obscene amounts to good (good as in “would probably be hated by MAGA” or “politically neutral”) charities can be “acceptably put down”.
Even more so if they are actively causing direct harm to their customers/clients.
Shock poll? Who is shocked?
I’m shocked that the number isn’t higher, does that count?
Indeed it does. Take my upvote.
I wonder how the terrorism charge affects things. Are people going to stop saying they support him out of fear or disgust? Will other people (and/or the government) go after people that say they support him because they can claim they’re supporting a terrorist? Will people become less affected by the word “terrorist” because it’s being applied in this way?
The survey from Emerson College Polling found 68 percent of all respondents found the actions of the person who shot and killed Thompson unacceptable.
For those on here who think there’s a secret silent majority who are just waiting to emulate him, y’all need to read this part.
That question is flawed. You can believe the CEO objectively deserved to die without thinking murder on the street is acceptable. In an ideal world, Thompson would have been charged in a court of law, convicted, and hanged for his crimes.
Maybe, maybe not. 68 is pretty high even if you can argue for shaving off a few points though. If another poll that gets to that more directly comes out I’ll be curious to see it.
Anyone shocked by this is a hopeless soul