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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • For both 2 & 3 the answer is the same:

    Having Mint and Windows on the same machine will end up with a completely fucked boot drive if you’re not super careful.

    When I installed Mint on an NVME I installed specifically for it, either it or windows decided that the boot info should be placed on my SSD with Windows and not on the same NVME as mint (as I wanted, as windows was literally just a dead data drive to me at this point that happened to be bootable), so when it came time for the wipe and swap of drives I suddenly couldn’t boot anything

    Minor headache to get boot repair rolling and get everything set up properly to the partition I’d made on the NVME, but the googling I did to fix this taught me that Mint and Windows Dual-Boot is a question of “when and what will fuck Up” rather than “if it will”

    My advice would be to just read carefully what’s happening when you do drive shit and to keep a working boot USB for mint (should do this anyway, but keep it updated) for at least as long as you’re dual booting. Boot repair WILL save you, its very easy to use, and remember the words emblazoned on that amazing book: Don’t Panic

  • This never ceases to amaze me.

    My old best friend and I used to be a programming tag team that worked pretty well; he’d slap together w semi-functional version of the idea we had and then id go in and make the UI make sense and fix all the logic bugs and typos.

    I’m not saying I’m some perfect UI guru or anything but the way he (and other people I’ve met) seem to have no internal base knowledge of shit like “similar settings probably shouldn’t go on completely opposite sides of the screen under different menus” or “5-deep nested drop-down menus hurt people’s souls”

  • Market share is going to be a pretty bad metric for this kind of thing because businesses and government are going to stick with even old ass windowsnl installs long after any normal user would have at least upgraded, if not moved to Linux.

    Just in my office alone there’s got to be at least 50 PCs running windows, and I bet half of the people here don’t even have a machine at home, so that’s 75 PCs or so amongst just me and my co-workers, and even if every assumed worker went Linux today we’d still be at over 50% windows market share of people who work at my office.

    So like, unless multiple businesses and governments that have shown to not care already suddenly decide to were never going to see 50% adoption

    Unless we stop including businesses and similar in that share stat.

  • Funny enough I’ve had more issues with AMD drivers on my Windows machines than I ever have with nVidia on my Linux installs

    Literally just changed to a different version by menu with nVidia a week ago when a text bug came up. Only issue on 2 different Linux installs with nVidia over the years.

    Compared to ~8 years ago when I had to HUNT DOWN a veeeery specific driver version or my AMD GPU was like “lol idk how to be a GPU” on Win8 (or we’re we using 20 by then I can’t be assed to Google it), and even then it whined constantly and did weird shit

    Of course AMD is fine now, wife’s GPU installed no issue and it’s from the same manufacturer, but still funny to me