Damn, maybe I should give Arch a try…
Damn, maybe I should give Arch a try…
I am not interested in being preached at unless you have a workable alternative and a good reason why should I switch over.
File this under duuuuuuhhhhh
I’ve been reading stories about the return of airships all my life. Unless they make them weatherproof, it’s not happening.
I’ve used a kobo deluxe for several years and they’re great
A cool film that used its low budget creatively has been turned into a crappy franchise on par with Haloween and Friday13th. Shame.
Yeah, I never though actual humans could fall into the uncanny valley.
Thank you for this info, I will no longer skinny dip in grain silos.
Not everyone lives in a cyberpunk dystopia, there are state funded healthcare systems that mandate long term support for medical devices. Clown emoji yourself, buddy.
Can we have one positive news article without the gloom and doom, please?
They can be a bit too much, but thanks to a billboard I found out that one of my favorite bands (Morcheeba) are playing in my city.
It depends, am I going to be a washed up disco star or a car obsessed binoclard?
A problem that could be solved overnight by legislation. And yet, the consumers are to blame.
Why is discord so popular in non-gaming circles? People use it as a shitty, bloated and centralized IRC clone, with the voice fuction being completely ignored.
If the program’s author hasn’t bothered to properly document its function, then it has no business being on my machine.
“No code, serverless”
So, nothing, hosted on nothing?
more for the bangs
desire to know more intensifies
The internet is much larger and diverse than the World Wide Web
Go slowly and use plenty of lube, right?