Admittedly, I don’t know much about Brexit, but from what I have been exposed to, it seems like a decisively economical and political impairment that made travel and business with the rest of Europe more difficult and costly. Since it is so highly criticized as a terrible move, why doesn’t the UK just rejoin the EU?

    10 months ago

    Another factor is that the EU doesn’t necesarily want to take the UK back.

    The Brexit, and other anti-EU movement in Europe do not come out of nowhere, there is a lot of issue with how the EU works, and some fundamental disagreement between members (and/or political parties within member states) on how should the Europe evolve (Just a big free-trade area, or a continent sized nation with a real political power and geopolitical weight), this is the context behind Macron talking about a Multi speed Europe

    A big question is whether we should take new members right now (including Ukraine/Turkey/UK) or deal on the institutional issue and agree in which direction we want to move together rather than taking more people

      10 months ago

      I agree that the EU needs quite some work to get their acts together. They will basically need a Maastricht II Accord that really turns the EU into an entity that is closer to a national state before they should admit new members. But I can see that admitting Ukraine is something that will probably happen within a very, very short time once there is peace.