Other samples:

Android: https://github.com/nipunru/nsfw-detector-android

Flutter (BSD-3): https://github.com/ahsanalidev/flutter_nsfw

Keras MIT https://github.com/bhky/opennsfw2

I feel it’s a good idea for those building native clients for Lemmy implement projects like these to run offline inferences on feed content for the time-being. To cover content that are not marked NSFW and should be.

What does everyone think, about enforcing further censorship, especially in open-source clients, on the client side as long as it pertains to this type of content?


There’s also this, but it takes a bit more effort to implement properly. And provides a hash that can be used for reporting needs. https://github.com/AsuharietYgvar/AppleNeuralHash2ONNX .

Python package MIT: https://pypi.org/project/opennsfw-standalone/

  • True Blue@lemmy.comfysnug.space
    1 year ago

    I do agree with you that 4-clause BSD is open-source, but only just barely, and I agree with GP that it goes against the spirit of FOSS even if it is technically “open-source”.

    Plus the advertising clause is just an obnoxious thing to have in a license regardless.