Couple suing Google Maps after it sent them to a notorious crime hotspot where they were brutally attacked and robbed at gunpoint::A Los Angeles couple filed a lawsuit against Google Maps for allegedly navigating them to a notorious South African crime neighborhood where tourists are left ‘injured, maimed or dead.’
I don’t see how it is a map’s duty to rank areas like this.
Can you imagine the knock-on effects of some places being decided as being “bad” by Google?
Businesses would collapse, the area worsen, crime and poverty increase, the people who live there would have a collapse in house prices, so they’d be trapped there.
Meanwhile, in the “good” areas, businesses would do better, property prices would be driven up more than they are already, and long term only the wealthy would be able to live there.
Not to mention the whole issue of “X place has been ranked as bad and it has predominantly Y ethnicity or Z religion living there! This is a hate crime by Google!”
People should be aware that South Africa is a dangerous place with a high crime rate, particularly violent crime.
17 people per 100k get stabbed to death, compared to 0.6 for the US, 0.2 for France, and 0.08 for the UK. That’s insane.
Homicide in general is 41.9 people per 100k (3rd highest worldwide). Compared to 6.4 in the US, 1.1 in France, 1.0 in the UK.
Personally, South Africa is a place to avoid. Particularly because tourists especially are targeted by criminals.
It’s amazing how systemic racism can destroy a country. Speaking as someone from the US.
They wouldn’t need to label them as bad to inform users. It’s possible to display crime statistics without bias.
That would still entrench the area - How would a change of bad to good reflect on google maps? How quickly would that change show up?