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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • But it’s interesting that Gnome Wayland still has some unexpectedly worse results in a few cases, altough it’s not a reason to choose any desktop over another.

    I wonder if this is down to them taking KDE Neon and installing Gnome 42. Personally I’ve experienced dependency and config file issues when installing Gnome on a Plasma system/installing Plasma on a Gnome system.

    Also seems utterly bizarre to me that they’re choosing to benchmark a 2 year old release of Gnome against the just-released Plasma 6 which most distros haven’t even packaged yet. They should be comparing against Gnome 45 or 46.

  • Is it just me, or is this happening more on the snap store than on Flathub? Or is it just down to reporting.

    Seems weird considering there’s, at least on paper, more checks on uploads to the Snap store than to FlatHub (although their checks are evidently not very comprehensive!)

    I’m not going to shit on Canonical too much (for once) here, because any app distribution platform with a low barrier to entry will invariably get bad actors trying to abuse it from time to time — we see it even on much more locked-down and better funded app stores, like Apple’s App Store and on Google Play.

    This will be a growing problem for both Snap and FlatHub. Moderating them will take resources, and there’s already a shortage of that in the FOSS world.

  • As a religious organisation, they are allowed to hire based on characteristics that you usually aren’t allowed to discriminate with. They’ve repeatedly supported legislation that would allow them to refuse to hire LGBT people.

    Across several countries, they’ve campaigned against the right for homosexual sex, marriages, inclusion in media.

    They refused a $3.5m contract from the San Francisco city gov because it would’ve included giving the same domestic benefits to same-sex couples.

    They said they’d leave New York if they were forced to offer the same domestic benefits to same-sex couples.

    They campaigned against UK local councils including gay people in media like leaflets and the like.

    High ups in The Salvation Army has said if you support gay rights you shouldn’t donate to them.

    They’re extremely transphobic too, of course.

    They did a bunch of child sexual abuse in Australia.

    In the UK they own a lot of property that poor people stay in, and the conditions have been so bad that it was unlawful.

    For the most part it’s just that they’re homophobic as fuck.

  • You’ll be able to easily find a number of anti-Trans stuff from her.

    Things like her moaning about a university not granting the screening of a pseudoscientific anti-Trans film

    Or her coming out in support of someone who was removed from a think tank for being publicly transphobic

    She has peddled a conspiracy theory that doctors are trying to push kids into taking hormone replacement therapy.

    She’s close friends with anti-Trans activists like Helen Joyce, someone who actively called for a “reduction” of the amount of trans people. To me, calling for a “reduction” in the numbers of some minority group immediately raises alarm bells in my mind.

    She has retweeted anti-gay, anti-Trans activists like Caroline Farrow.

    She wrote a book involving a trans character where she detailed that the character was unable to pass. The main character ‘hero’ of her book gleefully threatens prison rape for this trans woman.

    She pedalled the debunked “fact” that trans women are a danger in women’s toilets.

    She liked a tweet that said trans women are just men in dresses, and that calling them women is misogynistic.

    She liked a tweet saying trans women are inherently sexual predators, saying they’re like “foxes in a henhouse, identifying as hens” - in the interest of being transparent, I will say she unliked the tweet after receiving backlash, alleging she liked it by accident. I’ll let you be the judge on that.

    She wrote another book, Troubled Blood in which the villain preys upon women by dressing up in women’s clothes. Pretty clear what she’s alluding to there.

    In an interview, she states that “90% of HP fans agree with her stances on trans people” and that they’re just afraid to say so because of the violent trans mob.

    She purposely doxxed a trans woman, who then received a bunch of death threats.

    She compared the acceptance from the state that trans people are real to 1984 - "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.”

    She wrote another book, The Ink Black Heart, where there is a stand-in character that is clearly meant to be Rowling herself. In the book, the anti-Trans activist main character is “cancelled” online, and is then killed based on trumped-up charges of transphobia.

    Rowling opens a domestic violence help centre that explicitly bans trans women, despite trans women being disproportionately likely to experience domestic and sexual violence.

    She said she finds it amusing people have lost respect for her because she “doesn’t support violent, duplicitous rapists” - i.e. trans women.

    This woman is a fucking billionaire. If I had that kind of money I’d be sipping drinks on beaches, going rock climbing, banging expensive prostitutes, and putting money into good causes.

    What does Rowling do? She takes the one thing she can’t buy - time - and spends it on stirring up hatred for a minority group. She is awful.

    And it’s a real shame. I still have my first edition collection of HP books, and I like them, but she certainly takes some of the shine away from them.