
An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.

(Note: This might be misinformation)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • While I don’t have it anymore, for years I had a recurring nightmare about the house I grew up in. There had always been unusual occurrences within, mostly auditory but sometimes visual. Looking back, I was never that spooked about it while living there. I honestly loved that property and have fond memories of growing up among all those old apple trees. But for years after moving out I would dream that I had returned to it, and it was very, very different.

    In the dreams the house was dark and full of shadows. Completely devoid of furniture and decor. It was gray, empty, and wholly abandoned. While inside I could feel an overwhelming and foreboding precense. It was this feeling of fear and panic. Pure dread. There was something disturbing there with me as I traveled from room to room, nervously anticipating every new corner as the sun sank low and the shadows grew deeper inside. As the years progressed, I would find the house to be filled with spectral cats that accompanied me throughout, or darted around the rooms inexplicably, sometimes out of the corner of my eye and other times as clear as day. Though I couldn’t quite focus on them, I had the feeling these were all the cats I had owned growing up. Some of them cats I had owned and lost since originally living there. It was as though they were trapped in the purgatory of that haunting, empty dream house, and even though the cats seemed to be full of spunk, there was an immense sadness about them being there.

    The dreams occurred with greater frequency into my late 20s-early 30s, until one night I simply stepped inside and realized there was nothing left to fear. Suddenly the house no longer bothered me. It stood still and silent. Cleansed somehow. There were no more shadows, ghostly cats or smothering prescences within. It was as though the both me and the house had been freed.

    I haven’t dreamt about that house since, other than a snippet from another unrelated dream, where I found myself briefly gathered with a co-workers family on the back deck, but I didn’t realize where I had been until waking.

  • I wish I had learned piano. I’ve spent my entire life wishing I would learn piano, but I’m too awkward to book lessons and/or commit to sitting down with an instructor. But as a kid I had a natural ear for playing and could figure out a portion of most songs if I spent enough time poking at the keys. My daughter (4) has been fidgeting with her little keyboard a lot. I’m wondering if we shouldn’t learn together in the future.

    I often close my eyes and move my fingers as though I’m playing naturally, and I swear I know where all of the keys are. It’s more than just pretend. It’s like it’s been here all along, but I’ve never honed it. I know that I could play something beautiful if I just fucking tried.

  • I wish I agreed with this, but every day more forests and fields are knocked down to make room for more shitty subdivisions in my area. The few farmers that have held out and still use their land on the middle of the city are heroes, but I know that within a few decades they will slowly dissappear, as the farmers die and their kids cash in on that appreciated land.

  • This reminds me of the time when I was like twelve and I decided at like 2pm that I really wanted some private time in my bedroom. Like, time was a-wastin’… Problem was, my bedroom door didn’t lock and my mother was home. Fortunately, mom was outside doing some yard work. Unfortunately, I was a fucking idiot and decided the best way to deter her from walking in on me would be to go find her in the yard and announce to her just how very incredibly tired I was, and how important it was that I take a nap right at this instant, and how it would be best that she not come into my room and disturb me from my slumber so that I may enjoy this important time of sanctuary.

    Fortunately, mom didn’t walk in on me jerking off, but I remember her expression incredibly well.

  • When I worked at Kmart years ago I was just a layaway employee. Since I was kind of fat and and of average height, the security guy asked me to stand-in while he dealt with this huge dude, maybe 6’3", as some kind of intimidation tactic while he asked him questions. My job was apparently to block the security office door to prevent the guy from leaving. Security guy starts asking about warrants and the guy is like “Fuck this” and rapidly approaches me at the door. Towering over me. This job paid minimum wage and I had zero training to deal with Brute Squads. I just let him go past me while the security guy desperately chased after him, asking him to stop repeatedly.

    Security guy talked a lot of shit about me after that. Couldn’t give less of a fuck. Not my job to get knocked out by giant dudes who got caught trying to steal a pair of Basic Edition sweat pants.

    Obviously this has nothing to do your situation or how you handled it, but it definitely speaks volumes about what the point of Security even is if the train security officers can’t even do anything.

    EDIT: Looking back, that job was pretty fucked. It was on the bad side of town and Sears Holdings wound up getting rid of security entirely. Word got out extemely fast and it became a free-for-all for shoplifters. Groups of middle-aged women would come in with huge purses, fill them to the brim and casually walk out, laughing and saying “Nothin’ for us today, thank you!”. Got to the point where friendly deterrent didn’t even help. We just stopped giving a shit. I had been threatened with violence over refunding a TV that had been forced into a back seat so hard that the box still had red paint on it, had a gun flashed at me over making eye contact with a dude I recognized, and used to have to chase a kid around who would ride the bikes, steal candy and kick fragile shit off of shelves. That job is why I will never work at a department store again. Picked up some great customer service skills, though.