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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2024

  • Is the internet scarier?

    Or is it just millennials and “internet natives” having kids and more of them knowing better what the internet actually is.

    I tell people to imagine a public place with everyone in it, the majority wearing masks or costumes. With constantly recording surveillance. Do you take off your mask.

    Sure the mask is not perfect protection, and there are areas off to the side where people seem to not be wearing masks. But go ahead and choose a way to keep your kids safe.

  • Do you genuinely believe that?

    Hamas certainly deserves condemnation and are terrorists.

    But IDF members are posting drone executions of unarmed children on social media themselves.

    The IDF are just as complicit as Hamas in harm to civilians. The evidence is irrefutable.

    Terrorist like Hamas attack and capture civilians, claim credit and post to social media. The IDF are doing the same thing.

    If Hamas surrendered today I have no belief that the IDF will stop.

    We’ve seen frequently that over decades the IDF have killed Palestinians protesting peacefully, killed press present at protests, killing medics.

    Now they’re taking the opportunity to attack civilians in hospital, civilians queuing for aid, killing civilians with drones. Displacing and starving a whole population.

    These are war crimes.

    The individual soldiers are now criminals it doesn’t matter whether they follow orders or not. That precedent is already set at the Hague.

    The question is, if they’ve been following orders, how far up the ranks in the IDF are the war criminals?

    Assuming orders are being given and followed, what is the motivation for the orders?

    It looks like the definition for genocide is being met. An organised force, starving a population and culture, displacing a population and culture, removing and displacing orphaned children from that country.

    If you think Hamas are the cause of all of this I’ve got bad news for you. They’re only an excuse, the IDF has been waiting to do these things for a long time.

    The only question is how high the intent to do this has actually come from.

  • The liability of industrial machines is actually quite apt.

    If you design a machine that kills someone during reasonable use. You are liable.

    Aircraft engineers have a 25 year liability on their work. A mistake they might make could kill hundreds.

    There is always a human responsible for the actions of a machine. Even unintended results have liability.

    If you upload a program to a machine and someone dies as a result you’re in hot water.

    Moving away from life and death, unintended copyright infringement by a machine hasn’t been tested. But it’s likely it will be ruled that at least some of the builders of that machine are responsible.

    AI “self-driving” cars are getting away with it by only offering an assist to driving. Keeping the driver responsible. But that’s possible because you need a license to drive a car in the first place.

    AI images like this are the equivalent of a fully self driving car. You set the destination, it drives you there. The liability falls on the process of driving, or the process of creating. The machine doing that means designers are then liable.