
  • 56 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • As I see it, this column is about the similarities and differences of crisses in the past and now. By highlighting what went wrong and what went right, we should be able to have a better focus on how to deal (or how not to deal) with current crises. In the past, inequality, famine economic exploitation, social malaise, crop failures, were a contributing factor. So though 2024 and 1848 are not the same; our current crisis shares similar trends: inequality, dwindling resources, climate change, resurgence of nationalism and war.

    The elite in the past and some of them now, want to maintain their control and the status quo, by providing a ( false) narrative, whilst distracting us from finding a solution. An easy fix to war migration & climate problem doesn’t exist, but we could start addressing those issues that could be tackled, like the growing inequality.

    This column carries also a warning. If we let our selves get distracted, the elite will simply create a “new horizon”, a false promise, albeit globalisation or a new economic deal, etc But their tomorrow would be one without tackling and changing what needed to be tackled yesterday.

    Added: maybe it’s important to highlight another similarity, “misinformation”. Those narratives in the past which distracted us, are also distracting us now via the mis- and disinformation campaigns on social media, and by many Political actors and autocrats.

  • "He believes that societies are degraded by too much cultural mixing, and that unchecked multiculturalism is behind many of modern Europe’s problems. Sellner’s signature proposal is “remigration”, which he says stands for forcibly removing immigrants who break the law or “refuse to integrate”, regardless of their citizenship status. Critics say it amounts to ethnic cleansing.

    And despite condemnation in the media, court-cases and government bans — he was barred from the UK in 2018 and the US in 2019 — his reach has only seemed to grow."

    Imo, it’s democracy that allows people like him to have a voice, but it’s the same democracy they wish to destroy.

    Some fearfull uncritical citizens believe,simply, that 100 to 200 year-old ideas and philosophies will bring them back their lost & spent youth.

    Demagogues just swing their fake magic BS wand, and their target group is enthralled by it. Citizens which support them, are no real Citizens in the sense of the word; they are uncritical and prefer to believe a “Mighty All Father” figure will supply them with easy consumable answers, so they can carry on believing in their own delusional archaic fantasies. But they are "false prophets ", as history has proven over and over again.

    These are undemocratic ideals, to circumvent your own adult repsoniblilties as a member of any society.

  • This is very good info, most US /EU comparison studies are US centric. And any comparison between these two, although interesting, is too different. This article compensates the difference by using Purchasing Power, finally.

    But in this article, and this still bites me a bit, they are still comparing the US universities according to the US ranking and the Times ranking, in which they score lower. Other articles comparing education, state clearly that the standards for US/ EU education quality are different.

    Also flinging in China’s economy as a third party for comparison, won’t help us much. The WTO ( iirc) just accepts any output figure Beijing gives them, but there is no accounting for it.

    So let’s keep this quality studies and info rolling, and see how it can enlighten us.


    ● par 2:" Frustrated with current university rankings – mostly commercial ventures that give greatest importance to research – the European Union is backing a new form of listing." link euroactiv 2013

    ● par 3:" How to measure China’s true economic growth? Mr Li confessed that the province’s gdp figures were “unreliable”. link economist 2023

  • Or how is this working?

    This is what I found:

    Situation in Hungary and EU frozen funds:

    Plenary will wrap up the discussion held on Wednesday with Belgian Foreign Affairs Minister Lahbib and Commission President von der Leyen on the rule of law situation in Hungary and the EU frozen funds with the adoption of a resolution at noon. MEPs are expected to support challenging the Commission’s decision to unfreeze funds for Hungary before the European Court of Justice.

    Up to the European Court of Justice if the EP makes this a resolution. We’ll hear more info the coming days , I hope. EP has been working this angle for some while now. ( source EU- EP, plenary session 18 jan)