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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You aren’t wrong about the aur. Similar could be said about flat packs snaps Etc however. We should always audit our systems regularly.

    That said, Manjaro is different enough that even enabling the Aur is a bad idea. I know from experience as I’ve done several reinstalls Etc. Because of Manjaro issues with the aur. They really shouldn’t even ship access to it. Because Manjaro does so many Breaking changes. It’s one of many bad decisions on the part of Manjaros maintainers. Ubuntu may be Debian and based. But it’s not Debian. Manjaro is the same.

    The rest of them basically are Arch just with a few tweaks, themes, base install, and installer.

  • Arch like/lite? Sure. But without the ability to use the Aur safely you’re missing nearly half or more of what Arch has to offer. I’ve waited a long time for a really good Linux distribution that had an easier usage curve than Gentoo while having a semi decent portage/ports system like the BSD do.

    It can still definitely work for a quick and easy Linux gaming system. If your priority is Steam and Nvidia Graphics drivers installed no fuss. Then again so can nobara or the steamos variants.

    I’m not going to lie or hate though. I absolutely ran manjaro first before moving on to proper Arch. It was just easy and painless until it got to things like ports and the Aur.

  • Controversial take, endeavor is Arch. Just without the major hurdles. I installed Gentoo once. I learned a lot. Things like, I never want to do that again. It was cool and all. But I’m good with click, install, and get on with my life. I do however like rolling releases and not having to wait years to have less outdated versions. Though to some extent flat paks are slowly alleviating that.

    Also for some reason the image gives me serious Sam vibes.

  • Seeing someone posting sense and reason. From the heart of a disingenuous, hyperbolic propaganda storm is rare and appreciated.

    Asserting that Biden is committing genocide. Really downplays and belittles what genocide actually is. It’s a despicable thing to do. And everyone involved should be ashamed.

    Biden can still be wrong, and also not committing genocide. And he is. His reluctance to distance himself from Bibi the Butcher. Has absolutely left him enabling it. Even as he tries in vain to reach out diplomatically to stop the slaughter. We’re long beyond the point of diplomacy. And Biden must start acting like it.

    Thank you for being a rational voice.

  • This is not defense or endorsement of China. But in the United States for instance, people have been disappeared/murdered or had their lives and careers ended. For suggesting that there should be limits on capitalism/capitalists. The country entered many wars over countries rejecting exploitative capitalism. Overthrown many democratically elected governments because they didn’t kiss the capitalists ring just right.

    Don’t get Mr wrong. ML are just as bad and misguided as western capitalists. Authoritarianism is always wrong. But we need to sort our shit too. Before acting hypocritically self-righteous.

  • Probably a tonal issue on my part. Not intentional. But it’s happened before. Combined with the fact that despite my advice being sound. It’s far from an ideal solution for a number of people. Not everyone can buy online, and many don’t have the interest or aptitude to procure and assemble themselves. And it sucks that there isn’t a better option. Brick and mortars etc providing an option.

    I have run Linux on systems from every major SI. Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, IBM etc. Tower wise these days it’s fairly foolproof outside network or graphics interfaces. Realtek is a mess. And Nvidia IS getting better, but still shits the bed badly when I try to use it with Wayland and the software I want to use. Which is getting to be issue enough that I’m de-nvidifying where possible till Nvidia gets it together.

    Laptops are a special hell though. Malfunctioning/non functioning screen controls, IO, and peripherals that can’t be replaced etc. The next laptop I buy will be one built with Linux compatibility in mind. I’m getting to the point myself that while I can chase down and fix issues. I would rather it just fully worked. Replacing the m.2 network interfaces on systems that allow it is great and all. But at my age my eyesight is getting to where attaching the antenna leads is very challenging.

  • If you install Linux on any sort of proprietaryish system. Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc. You need to expect to have some issues. And it’s not linux’s fault.

    If you want to have a smooth “just works” experience with Linux. Either buy a system made to run it. System 76, tuxedo etc. Or build it yourself if you have the know how.

    You wouldn’t try to install Mac OS on a non Mac and expect it to work flawlessly. We shouldn’t expect that of Linux either. It often still does. But that’s besides the point.

    My favorite laptop to use right now A 2017 HP elitebook with an AMD chipset. The Bluetooth is indeed a bit of a problem unfortunately. But if I took the time to source a decent Intel m.2 upgrade board. It would be flawless apart from the fingerprint sensor which will never work. But again, that’s not linux’s fault.

    Make the investment into a compatible system and you won’t regret it.

  • Krita is heavily oriented for digital painting. But it is a very solid editor too. The interface took some time to get used to. Though I like it.

    But absolutely, good is subjective. It really depends on your needs. If you’re looking to edit spicy memes anything could work. If you’re looking for non destructive workflow GIMP and krita are starting to implement that. And if you’re looking for traditional publishing specific support, good CMYK, gamut, etc. Not so much to my knowledge? If you just want familiarish… Gimp these days can imitate the classic Photoshop interface okay.