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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I mean the preliminary ruling couldn’t have found anything more than what they said: that Israel’s actions in Gaza could plausibly ammount to genocide. Canada, and all countries, have a responsibility to stop genocides before they happen. The ICJ condemned the mass killing of civilians by the IDF in no unclear terms. The ICJ condemned the blocks to humanitarian aid entering Gaza in no unclear terms. The ICJ quoted statements by the Israeli minister of defence from multiple addresses as having plausible genocidal intent.

    Be it a #genuine genocide or not, hiding behind the preliminary aspect of the ruling doesn’t absolve Israel, the US, Canada, or the world of its responsibility to take action to stop clear crimes against humanity committed by the IDF that could plausibly amount to genocide, and that are being perpetrated with western supplied weapons.

    We collectively have the power and responsibility to pressure Israel to respect international law.

  • How is work-life balance measured? Is this self-reported data? What does the percentage mean?

    From their website:

    “”" Life-work balance is an evolving definition, describing how we juggle our personal lives alongside the demands of our careers. Remote has coined the term to describe the increasing trend of people putting life first and work second.

    Strong life-work balance extends beyond the ability to work from home. Measuring life-work balance with accuracy considers a number of the most important impacting factors ranging from payment rate to inclusivity. Putting Europe to the test, we conducted an index data analysis to reveal the top countries to live and work across the old continent. Would you consider a move abroad in search of a greater balance between your personal life and career?

    The European Life-Work Balance Index assesses focuses on the countries situated in Europe, ranking the quality of life-work balance across each nation. The index considers a variety of vital factors including:

    Minimum wage
    Maternity leave
    Statutory annual leave
    Sick pay
    Overall happiness levels 
    Average working hours
    LGBTQ+ inclusivity


    Kind of arbitrary set of data to be calling a work life balance index, but what do I know…