So i have (i think) no mucical talent becasue in school i was always bad at music classes and was behind compared to others also i coudent stand all the noises going on. im not sure why but i wanted a keyboard pinao becasue i like the way they sound, once i got one i tried to have some folks teach me but i imeditly got overwhelmed by eveything that goes into playing an instument.

so by chance is there an affordbale instrument for beginner that can be worked on also what can one do once they learn an instument? is it just a skill to show off to others? i pretty much stink at everything but im trying to improve at life or my life more like it. i was thinking of writting songs or doing covers but im not entirly sure how that works.

my hobbys/interests often change often but thats normal (hopefully) and hopefully no one is getting annoyed by me.

    1 year ago

    You have some options.

    Firstly, remember that learning music is basically learning a new language. So be patient.

    Piano/keyboards are great because of low-cost of entry. You can find second-hand instruments in all sizes (25 key up to 88 keys) on Craigslist or Reverb for as low as $50. If it has MIDI or USB, you can hook it up to your computer and control endless downloadable virtual instruments - and/or record it easily to write songs.

    It’s an ideal instrument to learn theory. I recommend getting a roll of masking tape and labeling all the keys until you memorize them.

    Guitars are more fun, IMO. They’re portable. You don’t have to learn as much theory to get started and it’s certainly less formal. Some of the best guitarists around don’t really know what they’re doing - they’re just feeling. You don’t get a much of that with piano.

    Guitar is all about awkward hand positions and building muscular memory around that. I never know what note I’m playing half the time when I play guitar - I just know the positioning.

    The downsides is maintenance. Guitars require tuning before playing, changing strings periodically, etc. There is a higher cost of entry. A lot of new players but terrible quality cheap guitars with unchanged strings and get discouraged by the poor sound and feel.

    Ukeleles are generally cheaper and it’s easier to get a good sound. They work similar to guitar and you can figure out the basics fairly quickly.