This is the pic that FedEx put online to prove they delivered my package. Luckily it was delivered to the right place and was there when I got home, because I don’t even think that’s my house!
Probably forgot to take the picture, and the delivery required one to close out.
Is that spaghetti?
Pine straw. Very common landscaping ground cover in many parts of the United States (at least).
Somebody toucha their spaget??
Why does FedEx always have the worst, most incomoetent drivers? Wtf is going on over there?
Non-unionized I believe, unlike UPS. That’s why I dread it when I order something and see it was sent via FedEx Ground. That’s specifically the worst.
FedEx ground are all contractors. It depends on who has the contract for your area, but they tend to be pretty bad IME as well.
If I ever have a problem with a shipment, it’s not going to be UPS or the post office, about 8 times out of 10 it’s going to be FedEx.
I just love when a package starts in my home state but has to go on a road trip around the country before it gets to me.
Overworked, underpaid.
Half the time when I get these it’s a selfie of the delivery driver’s face
This happened to me when I had bought a gift for a friend out of state. Blurry skewed picture of the house with the package nowhere to be seen. Thankfully it was there, but it is definitely infuriating.