Flatpaks aren’t huge at all. This is a debunked myth. I can’t recommend reading this article enough.

  • Max-P@lemmy.max-p.me
    6 months ago

    Yeah last time I tried Flatpak it took like 3 apps to completely fill up my laptop’s root partition and use nearly as much space as my Arch install on its own. For some reason they all used a different platform/runtime/whatever they call it. Oh this one uses the latest Gnome 3, this other one the version before, and that other one Gnome 4. Same with KDE apps, they’d also pull different versions of KDE frameworks and Qt versions. How many versions of Gnome and KDE do I need, just run it on whatever’s the latest.

    Granted, my fault for not having quite a big enough root partition. But I’m skeptical about the methodology of the article because it doesn’t match real world experience at all, at least for me.

    • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
      6 months ago

      The tested distributions were Fedora Silverblue (which is a Linux kernel + some Flatpaks) and Fedora Workstation. Neither will match your experience because they’re not Arch.

      How many versions of Gnome and KDE do I need, just run it on whatever’s the latest.

      That’s how you get crashes, non-starting programs, and freezes. Very few projects put in the kind of backwards compatibility you need for a five year program to just launch on the latest version, especially when major versions have been released in the mean time.