Just some Internet guy

He/him/them 🏳️‍🌈

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • No, simply because even with pure CSS and even pure HTML you can find ways to leak some information about the browser. For example, a background image that only loads on 1920x1080, another for 2560x1440, and so on. Make hundreds of those for every possible resolution (they can be the same file on the server but at a different path), and there you go, you now figured that the client downloaded img/background/2448x1280.png from the server logs. You can use the same trick for fonts as well, you just apply the same trick on a box on the page that is sized based on text content. Repeat for every font you want to test for.

    There’s just a ton of those little features that are for performance optimizations because loading a 4K background on a 480p phone is a bad experience for everyone involved. Sometimes you need to know the size of some elements to position other elements relative to it. You need the mouse cursor position to open popups at the right place. You need the window size to realign popups and modals. You’d have to go back to text based only sites like it’s the 80s and 90s to avoid that kind of fingerprinting.

    And thus Tor’s solution: everyone’s got the same window size, same fonts and everything.

  • I have one (FW 16 AMD), I don’t have any complaints so far. It comes mostly assembled but you put your RAM, SSD, screen bezel, keyboard, touchpad and all the port modules yourself. The machine is well built and genuinely very easy to work with. You can swap the keyboard and touchpad without touching a screw.

    For the most part it seems like they’re holding up to their promise, you can buy a new motherboard for a CPU upgrade, remove the old one, put the new one in, and you’re good to go with the rest of your existing stuff (as long as it’s compatible, if the new board needs DDR5 instead of DDR4 then you need new RAM too but that’s expected). So far everything I’ve disassembled as part of the firs assembly has been a breeze. It’s a very nice laptop to work on and swap parts that’s for sure. You get the assurance that you can swap the battery, input modules, IO modules for the foreseeable future.

    Where I’ve been disappointed is the third-party ecosystem for it is not what I was hoping it would be, there’s not a lot of third-party modules for it. But the designs are all open-sourced so you can 3D print parts for it. Maybe in the future we’ll have more modules. Overall though, it’s not like you could even think about that on any other laptop brands, you get the laptop and it’s what it’ll be for the rest of its life.

    Runs great on Linux, most of the company actually uses Linux so support for Linux is very good. All of the models will run Minecraft very well, Minecraft in particular has been known to run significantly better on Linux to begin with, especially on Intel graphics where the OpenGL drivers on Windows are terrible.

  • I would trust them more than Microsoft because at least they would actually store it encrypted safely and not just basic ACLs that are easy to bypass.

    Even with a root shell on macOS you can’t bypass certain things like access to the camera for example. You’d have to work way harder to access recall data, not in a way that malware can trivially access.

    I still wouldn’t use it though, because I think the whole thing is dumb and I don’t need my computer to spy on me so I can remember what I did yesterday. I have browser/shell history for that.

  • Lemmy updates are a little touchy and buggy, can’t blame them for taking their time. It’s only been out for like a week. They have to load a backup on another server and test it out to see if there’s any issues with the upgrade and how long it’ll take. They have to plan downtime and set aside enough time to do it, handle any issues and a potential rollback.

  • My feeling about that is that I should assume anyone who could monitor my traffic should be assumed to do so and I therefore should apply reasonable defenses regardless. Even if the government doesn’t do it, hackers around the world will. That means the moment it leaves my router, it’s assumed compromised.

    Same for smart Internet connected devices. The government might be listening, but I certainly don’t trust the manufacturer to not be listening for the purpose of advertising either.

    How many stories broke out recently of ISP router having been compromised by foreign hackers for years? Yeah. The Internet is the wild west.

  • Windows 95 and Macintosh LC, elementary school computer lab stuff. My grandpa had a Windows 3.1 IBM PS/2. Those were all pretty old and practically obsolete computers when I used those, 98SE was out and ME was right around the corner.

    My very first Linux distribution experience was Mandrake Linux I believe version 9 or something like that. Didn’t last that long though, I revisited Linux later with Ubuntu 7.04 which is when I actually switched to Linux full time.

    ArchLinux since 2011. Still running that install to this day!

  • Not in the way that Windows does, at that point your best bet is SysRq+REISUB or SSH in and kill kwin and possibly issue a manual reset in /sys. But even if successful, half your apps will have died as Wayland compositor handover isn’t quite reliable yet.

    I also believe if the GPU hangs the kernel already tries a reset, I would start with a manual reset via SSH to confirm it’s even worth pursuing and then you can figure out a hotkey situation. Even if the GUI is locked up, you can listen to evdev devices and catch an arbitrary keyboard shortcut and run a shell script that resets the system to your liking.

  • That’s a hell of a lot of massively unsubstantiated claims and paranoia.

    It’s end to end encrypted, that it’s hosted on AWS or who funded the project doesn’t matter. The encryption is open-source and auditable (and has been audited as well). It doesn’t even know who talks to who. For notifications, it’s decrypted locally on the device by Signal, and can be turned off. It’s also encrypted in transit on top of the E2E so only Signal servers can decrypt the little metadata there is, not everyone on the network.

    And none of this is confidence inspiring about their own service. It’s 2024, how the fuck isn’t rebuilding their compromised server not a single command away, and why are they even attempting to fix it in the first place? Why do they even have access to the server at all?

    Absolutely zero credibility. None.