Hey I’m Elise! I’m a bike nomad and I’m developing a libre platform called Blossom, à la Second Life. I’m currently studying Français and I enjoy making people laugh 😜

  • 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Well, you’d need to send a message to some people that you know would care, when you die or are kidnapped.

    There are plenty of services for sending any sort of message.

    You’ll send the data with a private key and hand out the paired public key before you die. That way any tampering with the data will be obvious to the receiver.

    I’d just send a link to the data. For example store the data on Proton drive with a share link.

    Now you’d need to detect that you’re dead or kidnapped. You could have a timer of say a week or a month, and whenever an email or message is received it resets it. You could also send a warning message to yourself before it goes off, so you have a chance to deal with errors such as an email not arriving.

    You’d need a 2nd service to check if the main service is running. Or perhaps it just replies once you send it a message once a day or week or month.

    You’d also have to make sure that your reset message to the service is secured. Most likely it will be as long as it isn’t absolutely obvious, like you japping on about it at work. But one idea would be to use a proton mail address and keep a pin lock on the app. If you want to go the extra mile the email should also contain something only you can know.

    Quite frankly I don’t think they’d even expect you to have any such system set up and they wouldn’t hack you before you’re dead. But maybe I’m wrong. If you really suspect that you’d need someone who is specialized in infosec.

    I’d say go look for an existing service that can do this entirely via email, I’d bet it exists already. Otherwise you need to be able to code a bit or find a coder.

  • Actually game dev is quite a social thing. You are constantly communicating with people, having meetings, and pair programming is a thing. In fact one of the reasons I went solo is because I wanted to save my social energy for my free time.

    Why I code? Well, it’s just a craft like any other, like drawing, gardening, or sewing. I used to work with wood actually as a child, but I never had enough material because it was expensive. On the computer I could create the same sort of stuff but for free. It’s fun to create.

  • Yes my experience tells me that time does heal it, but it requires emotional work.

    She’s her own woman and you should listen to her and your friends. We are all just human and none of us are perfect. You don’t sound like the kind of person who would hurt people they love on purpose.

    What helps me is to take time away from work and hobbies and the dopamine hits. I go out the door and follow my intuition, not my mind. Then I find a place to stand or to sit and I stay there for as long as I am able to be patient. It has never failed to help me.

    Sometimes you just have to wake up and look at the ceiling for a while. And to be brave enough to face your feelings, by directly experiencing them. The only way I can make it go away is by respecting it and giving it the space it asks for within me. That is, I allow myself to feel guilt, or shame, or fear. That’s when it melts away and I can find what I’ve been looking for.

  • Alfred Jodocus Kwak

    It’s a Dutch show that was beautifully drawn and animated in Japan. It still looks fantastic and it takes you seriously as the material is quite mature. It’s about ww2, sort of like deep space 9. There’s a lot of world exploration and adventure and it adresses societal issues. The only bummer is that the gender norms are quite old fashioned so it might not be appropriate for your kids based on your views.

  • Put it in a bank that doesn’t invest your money into the wrong stuff. In fact a bank can loan more money than it has, but there’s a ratio set by law. So for example that could effectively be 30k in arbitrary investments.

    If you want to spend it, I’d buy a good bicycle or get my home isolated or sum like that. You could get cooking lessons and proper cookware and stay away from processed foods that generate tons of waste. If you have the space you could grow your own vegetables and have chickens, which eat bio waste. Basically reduce what you buy. You could get tools and learn how to fix things if that’s more up your alley. For example I’ve fixed my Sennheiser headphones several times, but it did need some investment in tools. You could also donate it to a repair café.