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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Or how about this:

    The body is a super complex chemical eco-system. Messing with it is understandably super difficult, if you do not want to cause damage. All drugs have side effects. Known or otherwise. Using drugs for any reason is like throwing a funnily shaped wrench in to a factory you do not fully understand. It always causes problems. In medical science we try to figure out what type of wrench causes the least destruction while providing some benefit. We then weigh the benefits against the downsides. Leave these decisions to someone that has dedicated their life to this science. Let them make educated guesses for you. Instead of you just guessing. Generally, don’t use any drug unless you have to. Stop as soon as is recommended by your doctor. Assume that any drug you use, will have a permanent, accumulative detrimental effect on the body. Just to be safe.

  • I read about your home partition troubles. I ran in to that recently as well. Similarly I thought I would quickly try stable diffusion. Ended up not being as quick as I had hoped. I had to boot gparted and resize root and home. I had done that before at some point; but I keep forgetting how to do things. I was unsure if it is safe to do that without the latest version of gparted, so to be safe I redownloaded it and updated my system as well. Of course I have some old Nvidia hardware that tend to make my upgrades painful, so that took not so little time too.

    I’m not really sure why having a separate home partition is even beneficial to begin with. Next time I make an install, I might just go without that.