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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • We are inherently violent in the sense that inherently, we need to understand violence.

    We arent inherently violent in that we dont inherently choose violence before all else.

    We need violence, evolutionarily, to hunt and to stop ourselves from being hunted. We are also a heavily social species, which requires ask first punch later mentalities.

    If we were intrinsically violent, we wouldnt have cities. We wouldnt have even reached that level of collaboration before killing one another.

    Human violence comes about, largely, due to aggression being the “safer” reaction to fear. Pre society, fear happens when threatened with death, and violence usually stops that. Be it death via hunger so violence kills a meal, or death via predator so violence defends you.

    We still have that knee jerk response to fear, but now what scares us isnt actually a death threat. So we accidentally treat the unknown like it wants to kill us.

    We arent intrinsically violent, we are too easily scared.

    And you prevent fear of the unknown, typically, with education.

  • Or you do? The point is that these machines are just regurgitating the copyrighted data they are fed, and not actually doing all that transformative work their creators claim in order to legally defend feeding them work they dont have the rights to.

    Its recreating the images it was fed. Not completing the prompt in unique and distinct ways. Just taking a thing it ate and plopping it into your hands.

    It doesnt matter that you asked it to do that, because the whole point was that it “isnt supposed to” do that in order for them to have the legal protection of feeding it artwork they didnt pay the rights to.