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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • Ugh, feel this so hard recently - the most expensive, most thinly stretched health care system in the developed world. I pay through the teeth for this shit and nothing is ever covered, out of pocket costs are still insane, even for injuries. Now we get yearly out of pocket deductibles you must meet before they start covering things - literally designed to discourage you from getting care so they can collect premiums and provide as little as possible.

    My provider recently changed it so that my yearly checkup isn’t with my MD primary care physician, they hire a staff of PAs who handle checkups now which I’m sure is much cheaper and guarantees nobody pays a fuckin second off attention to long term care.

    Fuck this for-profit bullshit, so frustrating to have to battle with base unadulterated greed when trying to get basic preventive care to make sure we don’t die early from something stupid.

  • I don’t know this for sure but getting airdrop to work on a win machine might not result in the most stable solution - it looks like most of the solutions are open source projects which are fun but idk if I would personally trust them to be working 100% of the time when you need it at the end of class.

    I think it’s a decent option to consider if you can get your hands on an actual Apple device to test with, imho. Airdrop is fairly proprietary and made hard to integrate with by Apple on purpose in my opinion. The other thing to consider is how big the files are - if you use an airdrop receiver you will need enough space on it to hold everyone’s files.

    I really liked the email idea someone had too - if the students have their own email addresses they could email their projects to themselves. Same consideration there though, if the files are too big you might piss off the IT guy.

    Two more spitballs-

    Do the students have any network storage that the IT guy could help get mapped on the ipads?

    Does the school have any remote learning type software that students can turn assignments in electronically? Could see if that software has an ipad app that adds a “share to” option when exporting a project? Long shot but maybe

  • Yup, they started to force me to drive to an office where none of the people I work with are, now that’s the only place I do work for them.

    Used to think about and work on projects after hours if I found them interesting or realized a solution I hadn’t thought of. They’ve shown me they don’t care about my comfort, so I don’t feel the need to care about their problems either. The work will be there tomorrow.

    They’re so divorced from reality that they think we’d just give up extra hours of our lives for commuting and keep up the same work output. Fuckin nope, going switch to doing the bare minimum it takes to keep you signing checks.