• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I’d argue that debates aren’t useful without a neutral, mutually trusted media source that listeners from both sides would refer to for fact-checking. The US has debates but the soundbites that partisan media air are the main way people consume them. Few people watch the whole debate, and few want to because they’re mostly just hot air.

    Plus, one candidate can use the debate to lie out of their ass and at least one media source will follow that up by spitting out misleading info to support the lies.

    I don’t mean to both-sides this, obviously right wing media is more egregious on this front. But their captured audience tuning out fact-checks from other media is maybe the bigger problem.

    All of this happening on the sidelines fundamentally alters the purpose of a debate. For example, changing the tone and style of interaction; people aren’t trying to come to an agreement or win over new supporters, just shout over someone to get in soundbites that can be replayed by their team.

  • I get you, but I also think there’s value in considering how these kinds of conversations affect people who are neither vegetarian nor vegan.

    If you create a permission structure for 10 meat eaters to write off the whole group as extremist crazies, while you’re trying to bully 1 vegetarian, who might be, maybe, bullied into veganism, that’s still a net loss of a whole lot of animals.

    Also, this isn’t a veg friendly space. Having conversations like this among other veg*ns is entirely a different affair than doing it in an environment where the average response is just “hell no, I love my meat”

  • Sorry, but I just don’t think this attitude is useful for reducing harm to animals. It’s rare for people to hear about veganism and then go straight from eating meat to eating 0 animal products, for 100 reasons. I spent like 10 years vegetarian before finally going vegan.

    This overly critical attitude and stereotypes associated with it do a lot to push people away from bothering with making any steps at all.

    No one is able to fully eliminate animal harm from their lives, and any steps that anyone is making on the road to reducing it should be applauded. It’s our only option if we want to be anything other than a hated minority.