Still a very green banana.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • thank politicians like Biden, Trump, and Obama for helping to write in laws against health synthetic nicotine not being grown in soil has no pollutants added like lead think artificial vanilla here same thing

    better products could have been on the market years ago like better battery usage through education and innovation but instead good scientific research got pushed into the closet with climate science and the like so people like our current politicians could keep their big tobacco bonus checks

    and not all companies involved have been up to no good some have tried to do better products and research before getting shut down by policies Obama started and Trump carried on and then Biden now carrying the torch

    this was definitely a planned shit storm for profit but hey lets blame the public the government screwed over for this whole mess

    not to mention your local vape shop selling products that do not include safety information or where it was manufactured or anything no public service announcements on the wall or talked about nothing just selling untested products with no regard to safety or health

    this is way beyond the battery problem the US has really screwed the pooch on this one major health and environmental problem and not entirely because people consume a particular substance just like coffee’s push for sustainability and psa and single source and what have you