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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Yeah that’s fair. But the works and practice in mobilizing the workforce in the new deal played a big part in the US having industrial capability prior to WWII. Not mentioning other logistics, the power grid improvement alone may have made the difference in the war effort even being possible for the US. After the war private industry continued to benefit from cheap energy coming from those same projects. Hell if there’s a miuntain range in your state you’re almost certainly getting some of your power from a hydro plant made in the 30’s.

  • You can still use cash. It’s just for electronic payments and ID verification. Though cash is exceedingly rare.

    A unified ID system just means you use the same login details for each government agency (tax office, dmv, healthcare, etc…) Instead of a different system for each. It’s also a stand in for a physical signature. It also ensures your data is consistent through the entire government as it’s the same database.

    I think it’s significantly more secure for the individual than in the US and, as far as tracking, it’s not like the US’ insecure identity verification systems make it more difficult to track you. The US makes it easier for others to steal you’re identity, and for you to get screwed because an employee misread your name on a net form they have to manually copy into their cobal database or whatever.

  • Similar in function to google drive or onedrive or other cloud sync services but everything is kept local, more performant, and non-intrusive. Each device keeps your chosen synced folders up to date with other devices. You choose what is synced with each device on a foldee-by-folder basis.

    I use it to sync my password manager database (keepass) and my notes app, among other things. So all my devices have the password database up to date and i can use the same password manager accross them.

    It also provides version control optionally. I use obsidian for notes so if i screw up i can revert to the prwvious revision as a complex ‘undo’ option.

    Works on major platforms including android, Linux, windows, and i assume apple stuff.

  • Don’t take my experience as a generality. It was not meant as such. As far as anxiety and stress: financial stability, moving to a new country, and therapy did it. I’m extremely priveleged to be able to have done those things.

    But if i could have realized back when that i really needed therapy i could have faired a lot better. Societal concepts around masculinity and “manhood” played a big role too. You can’t deal with your emotions if you can’t interact with them. Which is what drove me to drink. I wouldn’t need to deal with emotions if they had an off switch. I needed to remove a lot of the sources of pain before i could handle leaving the switch on even for a little bit.

    It took two years since changing my situation before i was able to get a hold on my drinking.

    For lots of people including myself bilogy plays a big role in alcoholism. I think for me, combating that is hard enough but manageable and easier the linger you maintain good habits. But for others that might not be the case and abstinence might make more sense. No shame in that.

    In any case, try to find a therapist if you can afford it, and don’t settle. Find someone who challenges you but you click well with. For lack of that find some volunteer or community org and dive in 100%. Any non-drinking social activity that gets you out of the house. (D&D, hiking trail work, food not bombs, etc…)

  • Syncthing has worked well for me between 3 devices(Linux, android, windows). I’ve had one conflict in 6mo and it was easy to identify the right copy to select in keepass’ prompt since the more recent one was a larger file.

    Synchthing also provides optional version control which makes backing up easy.

  • Sorry i think i meant theme colors, not system colors. In any case it was better before the “you” thing that’s currently used which has restricted customization significantly.

    I think it may be google account settings, which are not android I’m aware. Though i recall phone settings becoming default whenever a settings menu was overhauled instead of something reflecting the previous selection.

    No I’m on windows 10 still. Well aware of the difference lol

  • There used to be tons of customization options which have been removed/limited under the guise of “personalization”. For example you used to be able to do things like choose system colors that weren’t from a selection of 5 pastel themes. For some reason Google believes that pastels and pastels alone accurately reflect the “personality” of every user and that users wasn’t their “personality” reflected.

    There’s a ton of settings that have been removed over the years, volume button behavior changed, various privacy settings reset to default with random updates, privacy settings removed…

    It’s still fairly functional but if it weren’t for certain apps i need i would be trying out graphene or whatever.

  • Ofc. Always good to choose the source that treats the consumer well. FOSS alternatives are also becoming competitive for lots of things which is great to see.

    But where you used to be able to purchase physical media it’s practically impossible now. Even physical cases of games or audio-visual are usually just packaging for an access key to stream it. It sucks that we have to rely on market force through user-based action (e.g. Helldivers vs sony). These forces simply don’t work against market caps like Microsoft or practically any commercial software (cad, sim, business management) or media service (streaming, music, etc…) where companies can leverage nigh infinite debt to overcome the user base action in favor of market growth.