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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • It sounds like she’s skeptical of you being trans and was hoping it was a phase. Bringing up HRT has made her understand that it’s not.

    The rest is her fear. Rather it’s transphobia or fear of you having to live as a trans person and face bogotry is an important consideration.

    Having her sit in on therapy, as someone else suggested, sounds like a good path forward. Address her fears and the fact that HRT is health care. If she can’t support your health after that, she’s not supportiv.

  • Well I haven’t finished it completely. Like Hades once you beat it you can just keep going up in difficulty and as you do you keep on unlocking new stuff.

    But I’ve now beat the final boss twice.

    In my opinion it’s better than Hades if you have any interest in co-op. Even playing single player I’m enjoying it more than Hades but I prefer side scrolling games over top down. And I feel like astral ascent has more depth to it, which makes sense because they cribbed from Hades and improved upon it you know.

  • I clicked on the article before I replied a week ago, and before I replied just now.

    The article title does not include the word bad, management, or processes and the word companies is inclusive of those things so it doesn’t matter that it doesn’t.

    I’m all for blaming management over rank and file employees. But generally, when I see the word companies I think managers (it’s inclusive of management and processes, as I stated earlier). And it’s not inclusive of employees, who are not the company but work for the company.

    In other words, I think we agree outside of you being pedantic :P

  • Yup, I figured service jobs would be some of the last to go honestly. Replacing a person that works at a desk on a computer all day with a computer is just cutting out the middle man. Replacing someone that requires a lot of physical ability to move around and manipulate objects requires tech that doesn’t live in the cloud.

    And considering I’ve been reading about AI taking other jobs for the last year or more, I guess they kinda are the last to go. Now we just sit back and watch it accelerate. Either get UBI or a revolution that leads to UBI. Or the cyberpunk future the oligarchs plan to leave us with as they set their power hungry sights on Mars.

  • Not the original comment but I think the difference you’re looking for is in the copying and distribution. The OC makes the false assumption that the data set is full copies of every object fed into it rather than sets of common characteristics.

    For example, my own mind has a concept tree. Tree is not a copy of every tree I’ve ever known but more like lists of common characteristics that define treeness based on information I’ve gathered about treeness (my data set).

    Piracy is piracy not because of how it’s consumed, but rather, how it’s distributed and stored, as full copies of the object. Datasets are not copies, in other words. And thus copyright doesn’t apply.

    Reading an article to get an idea about what articleness is, is fair use. Reading an article to reproduce it verbatim is not. And as of now, I don’t believe LLMs are doing the later.

  • Same on meeting someone not attached to one view. I’ve quite enjoyed our conversation and will check out the book suggestion.

    Any modern books or articles on anarchist conceptions of hierarchy would be appreciated too. My first breakthrough into non-heirarchal thinking (as in I’m an I and need to be in control of everything) came from an oral dmt experience. It helped me a lot in understanding Buddhist concepts of the aggregates, and mental formations especially. And I see a lot of parallels between anarchisms views on property and Buddhism’s no self.

  • Learning to not micromanage it as much was advice I first came across in a Shambala book and took years to put into practice. (Still takes practice tbh).

    That said I think there’s also learning involved. As I mentioned earlier I do physical flow practices and muscle memory is some kind of learning. I don’t know how this learning takes place though as muscle biology isn’t much of an area of interest for me.

    I was thinking about our conversation more last night after I went to bed. Are you aware of the moon in the dew drop metaphor? I think I’ve been looking for hierarchies when it’s all cybernetic feedbacks up and down multiple layers. Like the T4 layer, we could call the root, but we’re a reflection of it and it is a reflection of us.

    Really hard to not think in terms of hierarchy though.

    I’m trying to think of a good way to draw it with language. (1-5)-6-7-8. Sense impressions from the five sense gates (I know there’s more) comes in reflexively from the 8th consciousness (the evolving environment). Mind consciousness (reflective) sits between the sense consciousnesses and volitional consciousness (what do I like/dislike/want/need, i.e discriminatory) forming a map (data set) out of sense experience and a direction out of volitional formations. Enlightenment is turning mind consciousness around and seeing that volitional awareness itself is evolving along/with the eighth or T4 because we’re in a feedback loop. But it’s always multiple loops even if the T4 system seems to be separate from our little 60-80 year lives, it’s not. Our brief period evolved from it and evolves it. No birth and no death.

    Sorry that’s more Buddhism than AI or cybernetics. Trying to communicate my understanding (map which is not the territory) to the best of my ability. And this conversation has deepened my own understanding, learning the T4 systems model was a helpful way to look at things and something I’ll keep studying as time goes on :)