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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 16th, 2023

  • Those links seem silly to me, but I evidently don’t have a clue. I think I’ll skip those articles, all the same - I prefer to avoid propaganda, be it western, Russian or otherwise.

    I didn’t mention the Afghanistan conflict. I wonder why you deflect and mention that. Whether it was a success or not isn’t what was being discussed here.

    Russia is certainly trying to woo India and China and it may be working for now as their agendas align. Suggesting the West is becoming ‘the pariah of the world’ is ridiculous though and an individual of your obvious intelligence must realise that.

    It’s been lovely discussing this with you. You’ve definitely shared some wonderful insights but I will call it a day here.

  • It’s not always necessary to ‘go through the union’ instead of speaking with your manager. For pay, conditions and other disputes, yes, you’d want the collective bargaining of a union to get the best deal. For other things, it’s not always necessary.

    I had a fall at work a couple of years ago. I fractured my ankle and was away from work until it healed and I could work again. When I returned, the problem area that lead to my fall hadn’t been looked at. I raised it with management myself and they dealt with my concerns and rectified the issue. I informed my health and safety union rep of what I was doing and he agreed to take it up if necessary. It wasn’t.

    The company I work for has a long history of working with unions. They obviously have their motivations to improve efficiency and profitability but generally aren’t arseholes about it. The toxic culture I see in other companies only comes about when bosses can get away with murder because employees aren’t able to stand together.