Add the “Activate Linux” watermark as well.
The one from
The term that is often used for that is “source available”. Good example of other software in this category would be what, Unreal Engine?
Heard good things about
Was it Yahtzee? Sounds like something he would come up with.
Communities as in what exactly?
The Community Hubs for specific games or various groups that people made?
In either case, it’s probably better to intentionally stay out of there, since you know that you generally dislike the content there.
Or, you could try to find a user group that has rules and moderates content in a way that you agree with.
But overall, Steam is platform for video games, which are generally considered to be fun, so it is to be expected that other variations of “fun” will be present there as well.
I am still interested to know the details of how they came to this decision. Why Signal instead of Matrix.
As far as I know, the Signal protocol was chosen to be the intermediary layer between the existing platforms. Matrix protocol was a candidate, but was not chosen.
Still, if you wish to use a bridge between Matrix and some other platform, then you can either set one up yourself or try to find a Matrix server that already has such bridge set up.
ah, ok, I was thinking of “Galileo”:
Ctrl+F Deckard - 0 results
does author know about the Deckard thing that Valve is supposedly working on?
from what I understand, it will be some kind of Steam Machine with focus on In-Home Streaming.
there is a bridge, but some parts of the fediverse got very mad about it
I just have a HedgeDoc presentation and a subdomain on some public FreeDNS domain:
Other comments already pointed to some very good software solutions.
But I would argue that absolutely the biggest barrier to entry for the masses is hardware.
Restoring an old PC or making some cable spaghetti with some SBC is currently too advanced for average person.
Self-hosting for the masses would require some new form of home servers.
Something modular, where adding new components would be as easy as playing with Lego bricks.
Does Organic Maps support it?
Is this the “agile” development methodology that I heard so much about?
Problem is that the whole concept of advertising is “telling other people what to do”.
RSS is freedom
go tell other people to use it
also Lemmy RSS community
Your post is missing the most important information that you wanted to share
not exactly news
but still worth researching what the consequences of this were