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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We have forced it, quite hamfistedly, to do anything. The organic hell-evolution of web browsers turned them into do-anything sandboxed mini-OS. It meant whatever hellish code you used to write your corporate mandated web app could now become a perfectly bloated standalone application. And the demonic language that would enable it was called Javascript. It does the backend and it does the frontend. You could consider those advantages over other devices, like toasters and those handheld electronic games from the 80s.

  • Intro thoughts, feel free to skip to next paragraph: What you’re basically suggesting (based off edit) is the massive and unrelenting attack on our more base urges. My boyfriend says this is “peripheral route persuasion”, and it includes sex appeal and also things like happy people drinking Coke. Indeed advertising almost exclusively uses these tactics to get you to buy something (or at least remember) within 30 seconds or less.

    But I think you’re getting at the main core of human interaction, where the natural order of people is to act based off of emotion and not really think about it. Alternately, you can put your mind into big-brain thinking mode and make a salient choice to not drink brown spiced lemon fizzy sugar water.

    The Elaboration Likelihood Model essentially assumes that “As motivation and/or ability to process arguments is decreased, peripheral cues become relatively more important determinants of persuasion. Conversely, as argument scrutiny is increased, peripheral cues become relatively less important determinants of persuasion.” These peripheral cues can be hormone based, for example. Therefore, it suggests a central route of information processing (think hard about it), and a peripheral route of information processing (gut feeling).

    This is any information, not just persuasion. You see hot girl on street, you consider your car looks cool, you try to pick her up by using your*(edit) car as evidence to hop in.

    Btw, in the Wikipedia article they literally spell out the consequences of this theory in Politics, Advertising and Media (all of it).

  • I was in highschool suffering from multiple mental health disorders and social isolation. I was smart sure, but as I later learned you can’t outsmart your own brain. What it took was finding a girl, as studious and hard working as me, but even more stressed and destroyed by home life and a destructive boyfriend that preyed on their undiagnosed autism and major depression. It started when I simply told them that their emotions mattered, that they mattered as a person. Suddenly I was confronted with a person in their most stressful senior year, previously a danger to their own self, offloading their sorrows to me in need of anything resembling emotional support.

    I had to learn (the hard way sometimes) how to listen, and listen with intent. I felt this urge, this duty to help, no matter how little I could do with how I was faring. I felt like if I didn’t do this, I would regret it for the rest of my life. It eventually lead to friendship into a relationship on fundamental compatibility, but I didn’t have any of those feelings at the beginning. I just accepted their texts, their calls, the first ones I had ever made to someone outside of school. It was the first time I ever felt I had a purpose. It was the first time I felt like I could do what was right, rather than what was expected.

    Our relationship is rekindling as we both near college graduation. We’re far more stable now, but we crave our scant few hours shared on weekends. I can feel my life trajectory flying wildly out of prediction as the day they move in with me nears. However, I know that if it was anything like the last time, I can afford to be bold and to be true to myself. It’s one thing for your life trajectory to change, but it’s another to be committed to making it as good as possible.

  • Today, I got a rock in my car AC condenser that will either cost 2000$ or a 500$ deductible and increased insurance premiums. Either way, I am fortunate enough to have an emergency fund that easily covered the deductible. I’m not in trouble and I’m safe. I go to sleep tonight with a calmer heart knowing I secured the best outcome out of a bad situation. All it took to ease my woes is for my friend to remind me: “I’ve done the best job I could have done.” I’ll be carrying that for a while.

    Everything is going to be ok. It is going to be ok because I’ll be trying my best the entire way through. I know you will try the same too.

  • The layers on this one is astounding. Someone with legitimate artistic talent had to make 6-layered fandom/furry content. Then someone (named yuri, no less) used it as a nuclear level reply to a PragerU bait tweet. I want to deconstruct it, to fully describe why it works so well, but I won’t out of pure respect.

  • Your Only Move Is Hustle! YOMI Hustle for short. Turn based fighting game. If you’ve got a decent understanding of fighting games (Smash Bros specifically helps), you can play chess with a whole mess of moves. You can predict exactly what each move will do, as well as predict what happens for the opponents moves as well. No more failing inputs, since ever move is one click away. You get to learn high level concepts like frame advantage, oki, spacing, it’s all there with as little barrier of entry possible.

  • In UI/UX design they’re the opposite of power users, technologically illiterate, bandwagoners, PC culture, the 90% of a social media site’s users, average joes, your grandma on the internet. They’re used to the conventions of other sites and have little appetite for complexity in their search for content.

    None of this is meant with any bad connotations. They’re a user class with a distinct set of needs. Beehaw blocks them due to the registration hassle. Kbin is maybe 75% of the way there. Much of the fediverse is decidedly anti-normie. Marxist-Leninists and edgy teenagers abound.

    Note that the reason normies have a bad connotation is because their influx leads to a certain homogeneity and a stripping of established cultures. The term is used as a slur to counteract this effect. Those with anti-popular tastes will centralize elsewhere usually.

  • They claimed it was volume of posts and the free registration. It costs nothing to make a new account on shitjustworks and completely flood a beehaw post full of just plain mean comments. Beehaw wants some ability to decide who posts. For their own site you have to submit a tiny application, but they would prefer that problematic instances be limited in only posting. They don’t mind sharing posts, but federation is explicitly two way. Until moderation tools fill the gap they are doing it in defense.