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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • My mom was into True Blood for a little bit when it first came out, probably because she was trying to fill a Buffy-shaped hole in her entertainment and TB was close enough, lol. She bought me the first novel for Christmas one year and I very quickly donated it, it was so fucking bad. She asked me if she could borrow it, got mad when I told her I’d donated it already, and then sad when I told her it would ruin her enjoyment of the show by being complete and utter trash xD

  • Depends entirely on the tea, but, if black: at home it’s usually hot, with a half to a full teaspoon of raw sugar and a splash of milk. At work it’s usually just hot and straight, no sugar or milk. If green: hot, sometimes honey and lemon, usually just straight. If herbal: hot or chilled depending on the temp outside, no sugar if hot, a bit of sugar if chilled.

    I drink a lot of fuckin tea.

  • They got worse recently, too, at least locally. You can’t even turn off the insistent voice anymore, so now I have to hear it repeat “please scan your next item and place it in the bag” a dozen times, usually cut off because it takes longer for the damn machine to say that than it does for me to actually scan shit. And now they’ve added cameras which get easily confused if you, like me, usually just hold your few items in your hands while you’re scanning, thinking you’re trying to “dupe” the scanner.

  • See, the problem is that my definition of “don’t disturb” and their definition are very, very different. I don’t disturb them the same way I don’t disturb bees: oh, look, it’s a few feet away, I’ll just stay over here and mind my own business!

    Their definition is: “stay several hundred feet away from me, don’t even look at me, if the air anywhere in my vicinity vibrates as an after effect of you breathing half a mile away I will hunt you the fuck down

    So, like, it’s a fundamental incompatibility. They can’t abide me existing, and I can’t abide them being horrifically aggressive because I dared to exist. Unfortunately for them, I have the advantage of size and tools.

  • Yes, at best the AI works would still be infringing derivative works. If a human made that art and tried to make money off it, courts would almost assuredly say it lacked “sufficient tranformative creative effort” to allow it to be copyrighted itself or protect it from being considered an infringement. There’s a big difference beween “inspired by” and “trying to copy”.

    Further, if all these works were being used for non-commercial purposes, like, just to print and hang up in their homes or something, it would still suck for artists (because they would lose the individual end-sale market) but it wouldn’t be nearly as harmful. The big problem is that people and corporations are currently trying to use AI art to sidestep paying creatives for their work and then using that AI generation for commercial purposes or to loophole the art out of things like Patreon. It’s a deliberate attempt to deprive hardworking creatives of the money they are due for their work.