Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.
I was talking about the server costs. For less than 300 users, the cost isn’t exorbitant.
Less than €100 a month
Different CEOs will have different visions. The old CEO believed more in the value of social and the new one is more pragmatic and wants to focus on deliverable things with tangible returns like Firefox. It’s sad though as I think killing is a mistake and a short-sighted decision.
Should we be worried about the future of IPTV or is it fine?
Can’t wait for all the people that are moaning about Firefox integrating AI to provide parity with every other major browser to have that same energy and lambast Google for trying to fuck over poor people with their market dominance.
Also for the record, Sundar Pichai is an idiot, how does this ever end well?
You want Reolink + Frigate
Quite a big update.
When you parse that code, it presents this ඞ symbol, which looks close enough to the famous characters from Among Us, the viral video game.
That’s a good post.
It’s all very Black Mirror
Fantastic news. Lemmy has been lucky to have such a great team behind the development and I’ve been impressed over and over by how things have been handled on the development side. Onwards and upwards!
They’re a good registrar in my experience.
I do not know anyone that streams games that wouldn’t happily pay £10 a month
No worries, I figured you were just lost, so tried to point you in the right direction. Since you’re posting via mastodon, just remake the toot and tag those two along with ! and you should, with any luck get the right eyes on your conundrum.
You want ! or !
This community is to catalogue drama, not start it.
Was posted two days ago
Off-topic: Are you the huginn developer? 🤩