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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024

  • laughs at people scared of choice and “mess” . . .

    If they’re switcing to linux they should first come to know about open source forking around - arguably - one of the most important features of the whole thing.

    If they don’t wan’t that choice and all that inevitable open source forkery, they probably should go for an apple mac or windows or something like that. And maybe they will have to pay for some software for the privilege because it takes work to do those things. They can of course try plain old ubuntu and do stuff the way canonical wants, that removes quite a bit of choice if it is otherwise too terrifying for them.

    But in general, I don’t think its a good idea to to try to sell pig-carcasses to vegans by painting them the colours of broccoli.

  • Perpetual motion machines are one of the mothers of all snake oil. Maybe AI can turn base metals into gold too. Do these AIs even really have a demonstrable understanding of thermodynamics yet? It needs to prove itself with a usable output for a clear observabe application on a small scale scale before anyone should start chucking vast amounts of energy at it in hope of what it can “maybe” do. I’d much rather chuck all that energy into trials of tokamaks or something like that.

  • Ah yeah, just choose a different energy souce. Simples.

    Have you seen the growth in % of renewable (incl, nuc biofuel and waste) electricity generation over the past 30 years. (36% i in 1990 , dropped to about 33% in late 2000s up to 38% recently) this is global, IEA figures.

    There have been two years since 1990 when renewable electricity output has grown faster than total electricity demand. 2008/9 recession and 2020 covid. The only way renewables will come close to meeting current electricity consumption is actually to start reducing those demands.

    If we start transerffing gas( domestic heating), and petrol( low-capacity road transportation) onto the electricitry grid then the scale and speed of renewables needs to ramp up inconcievably quickly - it has grown fast over the past decade, but it hasn’t been cheap nor has it been fast enough to keep up with current demands.

    TBH I don’t know where AI lines up next to EVs in scale of potential extra demand, probably lower but still an added demand (unless it can substitute for other stuff and improve efficiency somehow).

    Electricity source is not really a choice, it is resource and tech constrained many sources are needed; the cheapest fuels will continue to be in the mix used so long as demand keeps increasing so fast.

    Maybe, If you ran all AI in peooles houses in cold countries in winter, it’d substitute for heating - that’d be one way it could reduce its impact. Or maybe it can get its act together and spark widespread, frequent, deep, long lasting recessions in economic activity.

  • i think hi res is for professional work. If you’re going to process, modify, mix, distort the audio in a studio, you probably want the higher bit depth or rate to start with, in case you amplify or distort something and end up with an unintended artefact that is human audible. But the output sound can be down rated back to human levels before final broadcast.

    O couse if a marketing person finds out there is a such a thing as “professional quality”. . . See also “military spec”, “aerospace grade”

  • Yeah, i think it is more like thousands of years. wiki origin of species (Darwin)

    “. . … plant breeding, going back to ancient egypt”

    But breeding and GMO are different tech entirely, even if they might have similar results.

    Breeding plants probably started before egypt (they just the earliest with decipherable writing ) even just as an unintended biproduct of agriculture, just planting stuff together then weeding out the plants with less desirable yield, or selecting seed from the most productive plants for next year would do it. t may not hve been conscious or scientific, but it would have been effective over the generations.

  • You can search “nvme enclosure” on ebay if you want to go that route. Just get the right “M-key” / “E-key” for enclosure to match the drive.

    I’ve done ok with fairly cheap no brand ones 10-20 USDish - maybe a year or so regular use. For my laptop i have a slightly bulkier one that also has 2x usb-A ports so it expands connectivity too.

    Don’t use sd card / usb flash unless it’s only option (mobile phoine / tablet).

  • A complete sentence like that would nornally have a “subject” - in this case it should refer to me in the “second person” by using “you”. Failing to refer to me as the subject makes the sentence incomplete and seem informal. The sentence literally does not respect me.

    Such informality would usually only be used in conversation with a friend or acquaintance. It’s jarring to me to see that in written English, especialy coming from a computer.

    A more formal and complete sentence would be: “Do you want to save this file?” That’s formal and not rude, but if you want to be more polite you’d say : “Would you like to save this file?”

    I can’t really explain why “Would you like . . .?” is more polite than “Do you want . . . ?”, it just is in my experience. Perhaps that’s not globally true though many might disagree.

    FYI since you’re asking about English, “no rude” would normally be written as “non-rude” or you can just use the opposite word “polite”.

  • Yes I was doing similar a few weeks ago. I was investigating how to get netflix app running on linux, tried a Windows VM, basically stopped at roughly this screen due to bile reaching my mouth.

    Ended up installing Zen kernel, switching to KDE(Wayland) and using Waydroid. Far easier than having to read those words or figure out what you actually have to do. I’d assume you have to regularly regedit often to keep this shit under control.

    On the wierd condescending tone I also noticed a few years ago at work (compulsory MS) the MS programs started being very rude and overstepping the boundaries of informality: “Want to save this file?” “Fuck you excel, you can’t talk to me like that. You think I’d ever be friendly with someone who so wantonly fucks up my data types?”

    They must think stockholm syndrome has spread to most of the user base.