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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024


  • No-fail kitchen garbage bag replacement.

    1. Buy high quality (not Walmart) plastic kitchen bin. Note bag size printed on giant, impossible to remove sticker.

    2. Buy proper bag size from name brand. You can spend a bit of money up front, or spend your valuable time later cleaning up garbage juice. Your call.

    3. Remove bag from roll.

    4. Open bag and scare the crap out of the dog by inflating the bag with swift, loud, jarring noises.

    5. Place bag in bin. DO NOT ATTACH YET.

    6. Starting at one corner, seal the bag around the edge while simultaneously reaching into the clean bag and forcing air out from between the bin and bag.

    7. Work your way around until entire inside of bin looks like a reverse condom.

    8. Good to go.

  • Here’s a quick method:

    Get the IP and set up the dns for the new server. Get a cert via Let’s Encrypt or self sign to get ssl working, and then start your prep.

    On the new host create the new directory structure. Note your folders, paths, and permissions. Set the permissions on the pictrs folder as 991 (sudo chown 991:991 /path/to/pictrs/folder even if that user doesn’t exist on your system. It’s for the container.

    You’ll need to edit your yml files, docker compose file, and make sure that the paths are updated, the instance name is correct, and federation is disabled (until testing is done).

    Copy pictrs and db folders from old host to new. You can skip pictrs if space is a concern, but you’ll lose your instance pics.

    Once done, copy over the containers and bring them up.

    Check for errors and diagnose as necessary.

    Once set, change the federation to on, switch your dns from old server to new, and then perform another sanity test.