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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I don’t disagree with anything you say. I think it’s worth mentioning that the cost of enforcement directly informs the cost of a lease/rental situation. The cheaper they can enforce the contract, the less they can theoretically charge. If they had to get a court order to lock your phone or repo your car, they’d make it more expensive or be much more selective about who they lease/rent to. This maybe enables more people to have phones or get cars?

    I swear I’m not rooting for team “aggressive manipulative business behavior widens opportunities for the less well off”. Gross. Kind of how I hear about globalization of manufacturing stuff - “they get paid pennies!” “yeah, but that’s more than before the factory came? look what they can buy now” I know that’s a overly broad generalization but you see those arguments.

  • For your used things for sure, the seller being reputable and the items being less common works well. Common items (like that knock off Switch dock above) that can be faked are tough because even if you buy product X from seller A, all product Xs can be in the same bin at the warehouse and Amazon just grabs one and ships. if Seller B is pushing a hard-to-distinguish knock off that Amazon believes is product X, then one might end up with that one and think seller A is to blame. That sort of mistake is definitely Amazon’s fault in my view. You can end up with knock off stuff when buying from the official brand’s store on Amazon for crying out loud.

  • So you’re talking about placing app windows everywhere? Then you’re limited to placing apple’s available apps for the device everywhere around you aren’t you? Which doesn’t sound like what you want. I’m taking your 3 monitors comment to mean you’re not running 3 monitors worth of mobile apps (because that would be wild if you were!). The 360 degree desktop setup here is going to be more like 360 degrees of ipad apps seems like. Maybe a windows remote desktop sort of app with multiple instances/windows all around you? Multiple safari instances all connected to some sort of web based remote desktop? I too want “spatial computing” to be more platform agnostic and want to be able to just paste applications or desktops on blank walls or floating in space.

  • Cool. Thanks. I can see it now. No, not really, just the pieces over time I’ve read on what wins fair use protections when challenged often talk about the interpretations involved and that profit making was generally seen as detracting from gaining fair use protections when the extent of the transformative nature was in question.

    This mentions it, but of course it isn’t data on what has been granted protections vs. denials of protection. Harvard counsel primer on copyright and fair use

    Noncommercial use is more likely to be deemed fair use than commercial use, and the statute expressly contrasts nonprofit educational purposes with commercial ones. However, uses made at or by a nonprofit educational institution may be deemed commercial if they are made in connection with content that is sold, ad-supported, or profit-making. When the use of a work is commercial, the user must show a greater degree of transformation (see below) in order to establish that it is fair.

  • The LCA principles also make the careful and critical distinction between input to train an LLM, and output—which could potentially be infringing if it is substantially similar to an original expressive work.

    from your second link. I don’t often see this brought up in discussions. The problem of models trained on copyrighted info is definitely different than what you do with that model/output from it. If you’re making money from infringing, the fair use arguments are historically less successful. I have less of an issue with the general training of a model vs. commercial infringing use.

  • Unless they really bury them in other regular features and make them indispensable, I don’t care. I don’t really see myself using the ones they’ve advertised so it won’t bother me to not pay for them and for them not to be active. I get the distaste though, especially among this community with the preferences I’ve seen. That’s perfectly valid. My own choice will be to not pay for any subscription for any AI type services. My Note 20 Ultra has served me well. I may bite on this one (flat screen woohoo!). I’ll miss the SD card though.