• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • No, it is the interpretation of the Catholic Church, which is the church followed by most Christians on this planet.

    Are you espousing views you don’t believe in? Or is it still your personal interpretation as well?

    It seems to me that you are trying to explain God through science, and I’m not sure whether that is possible.

    No. Apologists do that. I’m simply correcting the errors in their claims. There is no argument without apologists first trying to claim there is a god.

    Science, from a Christian perspective, is the study of God’s creation.

    Alright, you do you then. Meanwhile science from a science perspective doesn’t include the supernatural.

    Once we are both on the same page that a higher being exist

    I’ve heard all the apologists argument and remain unconvinced. If you’re still flogging Aquinas, you clearly have not heard all the rebuttals. Your move.

    But first you would need to accept religion(s) in general.

    That needs to be proven for me to accept.

  • So your original comment asked what are apologists, then you go into typical apologetics arguments? Quite funny really.

    Everything before your last sentence presupposes your personal interpretation of your god.

    I’m not looking for philosophical evidence. I’m looking for objective evidence. And Aquinas is catastrophically out of his depth with his “5 Ways”. Pretty much every line has some error. Further, even if it were true, to take the end result of each of those individually and then say “Clearly this is the Christian god of the Bible and definitely not any other god humans have believed in or a coincidence or have any rational explanation.” is the height of arrogance.

  • Apologetics is essentially “defending” something as opposed to say proselytizing (in the example of Christianity). It’s frequently used for indefensible topics like rape apologists (the type to suggest the victim was asking for it or could have tried harder to say no) or Nazi’s (the usual propaganda). Christian apologists tend to hand wave or ignore the atrocities because “god is an absolute “good”” therefore anything he does is by definition “good” and us mere mortals can’t understand the divine plan. Babies dying? God is good. Babies dying and going to hell because they are unable to accept Jesus because they literally are unable to understand the concept? God is good.

  • I recently got FF7 (original) for Switch and have been playing through that hard. KotR was nearing mastery and I figured I’d double check to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. I missed Ramuh. There’s no way to go back and get it and my only earlier save is just after Temple of the Ancients. I won’t be able to make my own Master Summon Materia. I was just settling into the final grind/side quests. Guess I’ll have to slot another full playthrough sooner than I had anticipated. On the plus side, there’s so much more information readily available than when I had played decades ago and I’ve learned a few new tricks. And being able to speed up most stuff to x3 speed has been great.