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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2020


  • Criminal does immoral thing, imagine that! The issue is that the data isn’t being stored securely in the first place. If it’s not encrypted the game is over as soon as they steal it the data. More needs to be done to ensure the safe storage of this highly sensitive information, and sorting as little of it as possible in as few places as possible. Schools are not equipped to handle this data themselves it needs to be entrusted to an entity (private/government/whomever) that has the time and expertise to keep it securely and properly manage secure access when needed.

  • Yeah ended up doing that in a couple of places, for me its not practical to have bundles of cable running from a central switch, because of having to run a cable through a hole in the wall, hiding it behind skirting boards (baseboards) and under floors (where there are crawl spaces). My work place is based in a really old building and theres just bundles of ethernet everywhere running across floors and loosely attached to walls etc, wish they spent the time, effort and money of equipment running fewer 10Gb runs to floors then having 10Gb to 1Gb switches for the workstations.

  • The most concerning part…

    I asked the chef in the hotel to tell me the ingredients in the food so I could make sure there was nothing my son is not allowed to eat in it. He refused to give me that information. When I asked him if he would give this food to his children he replied ‘no way’.

    So the food is probably not fit for human consumption, and there’s not enough food generally either.

    Turning hotels into slums, why are the government allowed to set this stuff up? If businesses can’t be trusted to do the right thing then legislation has to be introduced to force them to.