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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • The whole page is the point. You don’t seem to be very informed on the situation; you claimed it was just a few friends. I was trying to tell you it was a systemic issue, and the long page is evidence of that.

    I’m guessing you’re religious and trying to avoid facing the fact that religions do bad things, too. Well, guess what? They do.

    “Ragging on religious institutions” lol. Seems like you just want to bury your head in the sand.

    I’ve scrolled through your comments and realize now you’re a Trump fan, so I now realize I’ve been wasting my time. There’s no point in trying to explain something to Trump fans, you guys are beyond help. And I’m guessing your “government school” comment is referring to the (insane, untrue) claims that schools indoctrinate kids to be trans or whatever the hell they are claiming today. So, don’t bother replying, I’m just going to add you to my block list, and I won’t see it any way.

    Trump fans. Just keep drinking that Flavor-Aid. Still supporting that jackass after all of the stupid shit he has done. The “party of law and order” supporting churches that covered up pedophiles for years. Insane.

    And yes, he is racist. If you think otherwise, you’re burying your head in the sand, again.

  • This is a tough one. The problem with local only backups is, what if there’s a fire?

    I use Amazon Glacier to store my pictures. It’s $0.0036 / GB per month, so I pay less than $2/month for ~535 GB of storage that I’m using right now. There is also a cost for downloading, but if I need it, I’m going to be happy to pay it (and the costs aren’t crazy). Uploads are free.

    (The other problem with Glacier is that it’s not really an end-user-friendly experience, nor is it something easily automated. I use SimpleAmazonGlacierUploader, a Java program someone wrote, to do it. You can also upload to S3 and have it archive things to Glacier automatically - I’ve never tried this but it should work.)

    I considered getting my brother or a friend to build two storage servers (with RAID5 or something) that we’d each keep at home, and just sync to each other. Good if you have a friend or family member willing to do it (or at least host your offsite box). Down sides: Cost to build it, time to build and maintain it, cost to replace things that break, plus cost for electricity. I’ve been using Glacier for many years, so by now maybe I would have spent less on that theoretical backup system, but I also did not have to worry about it.

  • Back in the early 1990s, I worked at a small-town hardware store chain (nuts and bolts, not computers) that was computerizing. A few weeks after we rolled it out, a customer came in with two gift certificates to purchase one item.

    It seems pretty basic now, but using two gift certificates to purchase one item was simply not a requirement anyone had thought of. The system had no way to ring it up. The assistant manager of the store did the smart thing and rung it up as a gift certificate plus cash for the balance, so that the customer was good to go. They had to do some adjustments on the back end for that one sale and then update the software to allow for that situation.

    I always remember that when I’m working on requirements for systems, wondering what obvious things we’re not thinking of…

  • I was mistaken in my earlier comment. It’s my desktop machine that has 50 gb for everything but home, and it’s running very short on space. The server, which is what I thought I was thinking of, has 25 gb for / (not including /var, /tmp, or/home) and I’m using just over half of that space.

  • Picking them out in particular is interesting, because I have a good friend that’s Mormon, and we used to hang out a lot. They really have their own community, I was definitely an outsider (but not obviously so, as I don’t have facial hair, etc.). We briefly dated, but that didn’t go anywhere for obvious reasons, and later I realized that in her world I’m probably the “bad boy” (few others would consider me that, but everything is relative).

    They were nice people, but overall they just were …boring. I don’t even remember most of the ones I met, and I doubt I could pick even some of her closer friends out of a lineup. I don’t mean to be nasty, but few of them had any sort of interesting life experiences, which is weird, considering many of them traveled abroad for mission trips.

    At one point the Mormon single women in the area created a video to convince more single Mormon men to move there. There was a serious shortage. Even in that situation they still felt like they had to stay in the Mormon community.

    On the flip side, a few years ago, friends of ours moved to a new neighborhood and had a housewarming party, and one of the families that joined them were neighbors that were Mormons (who preferred the term Latter Day Saints). But the wife had rainbow rings on and I think one of the daughters had purple hair…so, they seemed unlike other Mormons I’ve met, but I didn’t get the chance to ask about it.

  • I have to admit, I only have the barest understanding of this flatpak, snap, docker, etc. business. I’ve been using Linux since the late 90s and missed this development. I haven’t been following what was happening in the development end, I suppose - in part because there isn’t that much need to, because Linux has gotten so good.

    But while I’m a power user (hey, I used Slackware until about 2015), I’ve found that I much prefer not having to spend hours and hours administering my machines every few weeks or months.

    Sorry for the long comment. But this has been bugging me for a long time and you triggered me. No need to try to answer my questions if you’re not feeling it, I’m just dumping. You can stop reading here, if you like.

    I’ve used a few appimages for limited cases - BalenaEtcher to burn HomeAssistant on to SD cards for my Raspberry Pi, and I think the scanning software I use is also an AppImage. The idea of having the libraries and binaries all together for certain things is a good one for certain cases, such as software I do not use regularly. BelenaEtcher strikes me as a perfect use case for appimage, because I don’t want to spend time installing Balena and keeping it up to date or uninstalling it, when I’m only likely going to use it once or twice. I never even move it out of my Downloads directory, just download, run, and delete.

    Ubuntu (I use Kubuntu) moved Firefox to a snap image some time back. I get it, sandboxing, not a bad idea. But I’m pretty sure I had one installed by root, and one erroneously installed by my user account, possibly caused by forgetting to “sudo” during an update one day (I’m really not sure how it happened). And that latter one, if it existed, was almost certainly sitting in my /home directory somewhere, because my user account doesn’t have authority to write to /usr or /opt or anywhere like that. I didn’t plan to install software in /home, and didn’t allocate space for it, and don’t really like the concept in general. (I’ve switched debs for Firefox, and think I got the snaps for it cleaned up.)

    If we’re going to do images installed by users, /opt seems like a much better choice, albeit with some controls - maybe /opt/username/ with permissions set by user; I’d be okay with the user account being able to install there and being unable to screw up system files. My current backup strategy involves grabbing everything in /home with a few very specific exceptions, and clearly I don’t need the current release of Firefox on my backup.

    I have OpenProject (community edition) installed for keeping track of a restoration project I’m working on, and I’m pretty sure I used docker to install it. I have to admit it was easy to install (but so are debs 99.9% of the time), but now I’m wondering about the best way to get the data back out so I can migrate that software to my server (it’s running on my desktop because my server was that 2008 computer). I assume I can backup and restore, but I haven’t yet looked into this. Or heck, maybe it’s possible to just move the Docker image, the way I moved the HomeAssistant KVM image. It looks like the data is stored in a separate volume (which I interpret to mean a file that acts as a virtual disk, similar to how KVM has a virtual disk for the OS and apps in the virtual machine). Also, I’m not clear if docker images automatically update or if I should be updating them manually.

    Then there’s Zwift. Zwift is a virtual cycling program that runs on Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. No Linux client, which isn’t a surprise. I have a whole Windows 10 computer in the basement that only runs Zwift, and it’s my only Windows machine that I use. But, someone created a docker image of Zwift! I tried it on my Linux desktop machine a while back, and it worked. Very cool! But Zwift updates the program regularly, introducing new bugs and features - does the maintainer of that image have to do anything? What if he or she loses interest? It’d be nice to ditch Windows, but I have no idea if that docker image will remain usable indefinitely.

    I think Zwift is using Wine to run. So it seems the docker image for that has the Zwift Windows client, some Wine libraries, and everything supporting Wine is already supplied by the Kubuntu install…but I’m really not sure. Theoretically I don’t need to know, until something breaks.

    I have yet to use a flatpak, I think.

    I’ve considered asking about all of this in the Linux community here on Lemmy, but there’s probably an article with an overview of it somewhere, and I just need to search for it.