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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Capitalism depends on the selfishness of the individual and their ability to extract the highest value with the lowest cost. Communism depends heavily if not fully on ethics. We are definitely not an ethical people. So you are correct the former is more preferable to the latter, because it’s easier to implement. You cannot depend on ethics unless those ethics create the highest value at the lowest cost for the individual. So the key would be to make restrictions that inspire the ethical approach over cutting corners. If that is possible, then whichever system is used, they are more likely to be better than the alternative.

  • It is apt to say capitalism inherently lacks ethics. And in a world where competition is the main attribute describing society, that lack is what breeds success. Which is why one could even exaggerate and say that capitalism fosters sociopathy. Individuals that grow to lose their sense of ethics are favoured and more likely to succeed in positions of power, while those restricted by their morals are quickly pushed aside. So while we say capitalism can be good or bad, it is more likely that it leans towards the bad.

  • Mostly for myself.

    The pointing i’m failing to make is you speak of Capitalism the same way others speak of Communism, of an ideal stateof mind where everyone plays nice and does what they’re supposed to. But few people do. Most play dirty and don’t respect these definitions. Like you say, the imagination is nice, however it’s reality that annoys and people come to hate and harm each other when profit is more important that coexistence.

  • lath@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldYouTube cracking on ad blockers.
    9 months ago

    Capitalism is the concentration of society around capital, hence the name capital-ism.

    Here’s a definition of capital:

    : a stock (see STOCK entry 1 sense 1a) of accumulated goods especially at a specified time and in contrast to income received during a specified period also : the value of these accumulated goods (2) : accumulated goods devoted to the production of other goods (3) : accumulated possessions calculated to bring in income set capital and land and labor to work —G. B. Shaw see also VENTURE CAPITAL b (1) : net worth : excess of assets over liabilities (2) : STOCK sense 2a see also CAPITAL GAIN, CAPITAL STOCK, EQUITY CAPITAL c : persons holding capital : capitalists considered as a group d : ADVANTAGE, GAIN make capital of the situation e : a store or supply of useful assets or advantages

    So Capitalism doesn’t give a shit about free market, workers, ethics, consumers, nation, environment etc, only about capital. Which is why Capitalism is good for the stock holders, yet bad for everyone else. Because stock holders will do anything for their capital.

  • They should leave.

    As it stands, their home is not a safe cradle anymore. If they see no future for themselves there, then there’s no reason not to start anew somewhere else.

    Yes, that would mean that Israel will win, the evil tyrants will have succeeded in their plans of complete domination. Welcome to the rest of the world!

    Right now, Palestinians are dying for nothing. They lose in every realistic scenario. They have no real allies, no real government, no real army, no real desire to become independent. They simply are there.

    Yet they can ask to go or be helped to go anywhere else and live and equal or better life. Organizations love sending migrants anywhere these days.

    Getting rid of Palestine as a concept, as an open-air prison, is the best option for Palestinians right now. But forcing two people who hate each other to live together is not the peaceful or proper solution, it’s setting them apart.

    US likes Israel being there. Don’t like it, convince US to stop. Can’t do that, move the Palestinians.

    If you want to save the Palestinians, that’s the best thing to do. If you want to be on the right side of ethics, go ahead and keep the Palestinians in that futureless prison while you rage at Israel for being nazis. That’ll show them!

    If your home is bad for you, move.

  • Here’s the thing, at the core of it, neither the people living in the israelian part nor the ones living in the palestinian one are really at fault here. The general public in general has no time for petty politics, being to busy to make a life. What you really want to blame are the agitators, the people who make it their life to create issues where there are none.

    The majority of the population on both sides just want to live their own life in peace and they are not allowed to. So if you want to side wkth someone, side with them.

    Blame the politicians who promote discord and occupation, blame the guerillas who attack innocent civilians, blame the religious proponents who spread hatred and bile. And plead with the general public to stop being such a bunch of pussies and actually put a stop to all the warmongering for everyone’s sake. Which is something we should all do, everywhere. But we won’t because we’re all pussies as well.