In my opinion (see also Dr Gabor Maté), addictions (which, I also think, can be about petty much anything) are very much mostly attempts to escape pain, when better alternatives do not seem available to a person.
So, yeah, video game addiction can be a thing, and certain game designs exacerbate that (similar to what might fuel gambling addictions and such).
But all of this perspective only distracts from whatever is causing the people/kids pain, makes them seek out games in an addicted fashion in the first place.
I found it kinda weird that the page this link opens on makes it look kinda like a closed source freemium thing, and (on mobile) I had to dig a fair bit to see that it’s actually FOSS and an official part of the KDE project.
I run KDE as my daily driver, and hadn’t heard of Krita before; so yeah, I guess it could use a bit more exposure.