Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Personality, presence and confidence

    Natural self confidence, but NOT an arrogant selfish confidence.

    Some people naturally have confidence and presence and some people need to build it as a skill.

    I know guys and gals with little to no knowledge or skill build up careers because they just knew how to talk and connect to people.

    I also know guys and gals with years of education and degrees but have little to no way of politely or easily getting along with people.

  • I’ve been on Linux for about 15 years now … I’m no pro and I’ve never really advanced in anything with the terminal

    I tried doing stuff years ago but then I came at a crossroad … either spend my life learning the dark arts of the terminal and all the details of how every major system works … reinstall every time I have a new problem that I caused … or just leave everything alone and never tweak or adjust anything.

    For the past few years, I just install the latest stable version of anything I use and never bother touching or tweaking anything … never had a problem since.

  • I grew up in a very unorganized town that wasn’t really regulated with traffic laws. I learned to drive a truck at about 12.

    When I was 14 I was driving my dad’s truck around town. I suddenly had the urge to see how well the brakes worked. I drove fast down a gravel road than slammed on the brakes as hard as I could. Within seconds it blew both front brake lines.

    Later that same year in the winter I got the truck stuck on some ice. It wasn’t bad, I just happened to stop on a very slippery patch of ice and couldn’t move forward. I got the idea that as the tires spun, they were getting hot which meant it was melting the ice. If I did it long enough I would eventually get down to the gravel. I got impatient and spun the wheels faster smoking them like crazy while the engine roared. In the middle of the noise and smoke, a tire exploded and the truck jumped and deflated. I had blown out a tire.

    Dad wasn’t happy with me for a long while because the truck went to the shop and we had to pay a lot of money to get them fixed.

    At the very least, I never made these mistakes again.