• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Im not sure Intel has any worthwhile CPU’s unless you are getting them used.

    Currently E cores are mostly trash, and not all that “efficient” and letting a P Core turbo up and get the task completed uses less overall power.

    Secondly Intel is lying about its heat output, and power use. Everything from 10th gen up is a power hog if you dont limit the performance to well below “stock” settings.


    This is a good match up between an i5-13500 vs R5 7600, which is the most interesting IMO. The R5 7600 seems to be about $15 less expensive for just the CPU and uses 3/4ths the power which will be a greater savings over time vs Intel. The AMD Motherboards also still seem to trend a bit lower in cost than Intel.

    So overall its a good question. If you can get a use 13500 or one under $150 then its probably worth it, but at retail prices the 7600 will cost less to buy, and less to own while being similar in performance.

  • So much to unpack here…

    First off your reason and point will be different than mine, and different than most other peoples. Truthfully you are the only person who can define what the point is for you.

    So… that said, it sucks because when you are depressed and struggling defining your own reason for being is very difficult. In the last year I have had a struggle with myself over my value, I have frequently felt like nothing I do is good enough for my co-workers, partner, or friends. I have felt like even when I get a win, its wiped off the table by a loss and the losses never get wiped from the table so they just keep building.

    So, I got a new therapist who specializes in trauma, because all trauma is trauma. Your body cannot tell the difference between a gun shot wound, and people talking harshly about you behind your back but within ear shot. It reacts the same, and releases the same chemicals. If your body is depressed, and hurting then that is where I would start. There are no degrees to trauma, and no ones trauma means more or hurts more because its all the same.

    You have clearly gone through some challenging times and have moved mountains to support yourself and who you are, and it sounds like you may have a few physical and emotional scars from that journey.

    For right now set aside the big question of what is the point, find someone to help you heal the scars, and then when you are centered and ready ask the question… I bet by then you will realize that you always knew the answer but you just could not hear it internally over all the pain and struggle.

    cis white male who is proud of you for reaching out even if its “just” on lemmy. Your friends and allies are out there, try to get help its worth it. If life was bingo my card would look like a winner (and it honestly is) but trauma is the same for everyone and mine is/was as real as yours is, and it had me in a similar place asking the same questions. Therapy and some chemical support have turned things around in the last 3 months, but its been a 40 year journey.