I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024

  • Nope. It wasn’t until after he died that I went to therapy and started talking about the memory before putting it all together. Dad worked in IT security so I don’t doubt he was careful.

    The closest that he came to consequences that I know about, is when the FBI came to his house to interview me. My parents were divorced and I spent 50/50 with each parent. My mother’s boyfriend was being accused of seeding a torrent filled with CP, and the FBI came to ask me if I knew anything. This was around the time of the AIM incident. Dad wasn’t home and was pretty upset that I let them inside.

    Anyways, it took nearly a decade and countless dollars in lawyer fees for the case against my (by then) step-dad to be dropped. The FBI can led the court date after we uncovered hard proof that he wasn’t even home that day, but it had already cost him his career. Unlike my Dad, my step dad wasn’t a tech person, like at all. So while I don’t have any proof or idea how, I’m fairly certain that somehow my dad got access to his laptop to frame him.

    Which is why I said that the AIM thing is only the worst thing he did to me. Another runner up would be the statutory rape of my mom when she was 14 and he was 20 that led to my birth. Unfortunately, the theme of child exploitation runs through many chapters in my Dad’s angry miserable life.

  • When I was 15 or so my dad made a fake AIM address and posed as a girl from my school so he could encourage me to masturbate with the child porn he was sending me. When i got freaked out and stopped responding he called my phone and said that “the girl from school” was bothering him at work and I needed to keep talking with *her". I didn’t figure out that it was him until a decade later later. I remember panicking all night about what I knew was illegal images, so I told him what happened and he just mocked me for not knowing how to do an ip trace to see who it was.

    Dad was a real piece of shit. But that was the worst thing he did to me personally.

  • The best advice I could give is to follow your happiness first, the label second. When I first started experimenting i felt like men’s clothing was a chain so I tried more women’s, read gender trouble decided that agender made the most sense for me and wore whatever I wanted. It wasn’t until a few months of that did a stranger greet me as “Ma’am” and it sorts stopped my heart.

    Once I realized being seen as a woman made me happy, why stop? Why EVER stop? Labels don’t define who we are, but they are helpful little handholds to communicate with others. So instead of telling people that I am non-binary agender who enjoys traditional femininity, I say “woman” because that’s just easier for everyone. That doesn’t mean it’s the only way you could describe me, but it’s the one that makes life easier.

    Am I “trans”? I don’t feel “cis”, but I feel like calling myself trans just isn’t accurate and is inappropriate. Is there any other option?

    Would other trans people consider me “trans”?

    If this helps, I assure you that no trans person will ever accuse you of “stolen valor” for questioning and figuring yourself out. This is a super duper common experince we all have at some point, and if all you can say for sure is that you don’t feel cis that’s more than enough! Labels exists only so others can understand you better, figure yourself out first! If all you know is queer and questioning well that’s more than enough! There is no wrong answers and only you can decide on what’s the right one.

    I know this is hard, but I’m proud of anyone who interrogates themselves to see what’s truly inside. I’m proud of you for making this post! But try not to worry about what others may feel, focus more on how their perception makes YOU feel. Gender is a performance, but you yourself are the audience.

  • telling trans people to vote for our own genocide

    an instance that is supposed to be trans friendly.

    The instance IS trans friendly. The people in the community are protesting a seperate genocide with the few tools available to them. It’s not fair to look past republicans taking active action to yell at others inaction solely because you feel the later should be easy.

    For example, I’m vegan. I feel it should be easier for me to convince trans folk to be vegan since our community is all about bodily autonomy. But it’s unsupringly not, and yelling at them for my perceived hypocrisy is far far less productive than talking to someone who hasn’t been exposed to the concept in a rational logical way.

    Perceiving hypocrisy in others and wishing it was easier to convince other to see as you is common, but it doesn’t change minds. The convincing process is always slow and difficult. Is your time best spent on someone likely to come around to your view anyways? Or is it better spent exposing a naive republican in a media bubble that we are not the stereotype he has been led to believe? Trans genocide is happening, but think strategically, focus on convincing the victimizers, not the victims.

    I understand your frustration and anger, and I’m trying to help you find peace with the fact that others will always disagree with you. But that disagreement does not become a justification to silence others in our own community.

  • The number of far leftist that didn’t vote in some form of protest, is absolutely miniscule compared to the number of Republicans that did vote for Trump.

    You’re mad at the wrong group. These people are not any legitimate threat to Biden electability. I understand the fear, nihilism and anger at the possibility of another Trump term, I’m feeling all that too, but this topic just doesn’t seem like a productive place to put energy. Between the electoral college and gerrymandering, where voting blue quite literally will do nothing. Like myself, I live in a deep blue state. I’m going to vote for Biden, but my girlfriend is not. In partiality, neither of these choices matter because we know for a fact the state is going blue just like it has for decades.

    So a couple hundred people saying they won’t vote, and a percentage of them actually will vote, shouldn’t be something to be worked up about or a community that needs to be banned.

    Idk. You do you. But this just seems like an unhealthy outlet for healthy frustration.

  • Assume people make rational choices. When a president is elected, especially for a 2nd term, then they have little to no incentive to actually listen to the voters. It fucking sucks, but that is how the system works. Election time is literally the only time we can push meaningful change.

    When election day comes, I think people we rationally understand that Trump is a greater danger both to Palastine and to the trans community and vote accordingly.

    If I agree that there is no value in not voting, then I feel you should be able to recognize that there is value in SAYING you are not voting. To me, it’s far more likely that the people in that community know this fact instead of somehow not recognizing the danger of Trump.

  • Maeby: And the worst part is he thinks he’s passing.

    Yes, her motivation was make Steve Holt not interested but fundamentally the joke is that Steve wouldn’t be attracted to trans woman, which is what happens. Which honestly makes the whole joke worse.

    And even if you don’t care about that, Maeby’s motivation doesn’t matter because she still uses transphobia as a way to harass Lindsey behind her back.

    I honestly find the whole thing so upsetting and not even remotely funny.