RENAULT: And what in heaven’s name brought you to Casablanca?

RICK: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.

RENAULT: Waters? What waters? We’re in the desert.

RICK: I was misinformed…

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • My college experience was similar. It ultimately led nowhere for me. I don’t have a single contact anymore from my college. I don’t work in the field my degree was in. It really only served to show me what I didn’t want in life in retrospect. While I still had some fun and enriching experiences, college was only the reason I was where those took place. I graduated almost 10 years ago. College was basically the next highschool for me which I look back and think was a waste of time. 10 years on, I barely remember anything I learned.

    Life gets better after college. Don’t worry about it. Cheers pal.

  • I honestly was worried about our growth maybe 3 weeks ago… It seemed there was a boom and then sort of an exhale after that initial rush in early June. However I’m subbed to about 130 communities. My feed is nice and busy where I couldn’t even chance to see all the content. I can look through my sub list (LemmyTools addon plug) and catch up on some comms I missed in my feed. It’s going great now as we are seeing steadily more upvoted posts (in the ks) now. Memes are off the charts. Tech and News seems to be hot. Im not super stitious well, maybe a little situous but I think things are going well and seeing a good base here form.

    There will need to be some sort of stale/abandoned community cleanup or filter eventually though.

  • Honestly, this was one of the few kitchen gadgets that seemingly lived up to hype for me. We use ours all the time, even though our oven has convection mode which is essentially the same. The oven takes so long to warm up… where as the “air fryer” is up to temp super quickly. For a small family, the air fryer is used way more. In general I am opposed to kitchen gadgets that are supposedly saving you time or effort versus the “old” way of doing things.

  • Yup. I begrudgingly began using wireless headphones beacuse I don’t want to have to carry around an adapter to not use them once they killed 3.5mm on phones… Granted I really only use headphones while working out or mowing the lawn or something so it’s whatever. Still hate having to worry about having charged headphones, turning on Bluetooth, figuring out if my headphones are off or ok because of the awkward button pushes to turn them off, on or get into connect mode. It’s just overly complicated.