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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • Glad to hear this dumb monkey evolved past the tribal stage. You are very smart!

    I grew up secular with no religion and my search for truth eventually led me to realize God exists. But after reading your comment I realize I had just been a dumb tribal monkey. I forgot how I must’ve grown up religious and just forgot, and my lazy thinking led me to this convenient falsehood. You’ve really got a deep understanding though- can I buy your book?

  • Anyone who bought into the don’t be evil story / marketing is being willfully naive. Like all the big tech companies they’re basically intelligence fronts. Big tech is big brother. You don’t even have to look hard to see how intertwined with the CIA / NSA Google had been from the beginning. Furthermore, Snowden’s exposure of PRISM made it clear that it wasn’t just a few grants early on, it was setup by design to limit govt liability yet allow mass surveillance to go on unabated and the entire launch of Gmail is yet a single token example. Don’t trust big tech.