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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • Don’t panic. A few fleas could easily be random chance. You don’t really have to go to a vet, but in this case I would just for peace of mind for the humans.

    Do buy a flea comb (if you do not already have one) and begin combing every night. Espcially around the neck and head. Don’t worry about squishing the fleas, just mix up some mild soapy water in a glass and drop them in that.

    Keep count every night and you will be able to tell if the problem is under control or not.

    Do vacuum and clean house.

    You may want to invest in a flea trap. These combine a light and a sticky pad and can be placed on the floor to attract any loose fleas. Move it around to likely places and it will both help trap fleas and give you an idea of how many might be in the house (if any.)

    If you do not go to a vet, do buy some over the counter flea treatment. If regular combing is not enough, it will help, but I would not use it for just a few fleas.

    My cat has had fleas a few times, but thankfully I’ve only needed the ointment once. Mist of the time combing was enough.

  • My pet conspiracy theory that California does not exist. It was invented by democrats to pad their electoral votes. Any one who has traveled there actually went to a staged area in Oregon. Anyone who claims to live there is either brainwashed or in on it. Maps, globes, etc. have all been altered. Satellites have special software that adds California to its images. Spacecraft windows are actually screens that digitally alter earth to add California.

    Once you consider that California is allegedly the location of Hollywood and movies often create convincing, fake worlds, it makes sense. Hollywood was created to take advantage of the tech developed to fake California and continue funding the conspiracy…

  • I was playing with this recently. Suppose you are playing rock, paper, scissors with yourself from a few minutes into the future. Your future self “remembers” what you will play and so as long as you play normally, future self always wins. But change the rules a bit and play where future you goes first.

    In a normal game, you should always win because you clearly see how future you played, but future you played to counter what future you remembers present you playing…

    E.g. future you remembers playing paper, and so plays scissors. You see scissors and go go play rock, but that should be impossible because future you doesn’t remember playing rock.

    The weird thing to me is not that the second scenario (where future you goes first fails) but that playing normally (both going at the same time) works. I think the paradox emerges when future knowledge is introduced to the past. In the normal game, future you does not expose future knowledge until the exact moment you play and cause that knowledge to exist in your present, but in the altered game, the introduction of future knowledge creates a feedback loop.

    Of course the game isn’t needed. Simply seeing future you conveys the fact that you exist in the future. Should you, for example (and please don’t do this) see near future you then stab your arm with scissors, you will miss or be stopped because future you does not have a wounded arm.

    I wonder what happens if future you’s arm is out of sight. would you be able to stab your arm then only for future you to then reveal a wounded arm?

  • I wonder if down votes should be lightly nerfed. The idea would be to make it easier for people to post mildly unpopular opinions in hopes of furthering discussions and weakening brigading. I imagine there are a lot of people who comment once, get downvoted and then either never comment again, or only comment in ways that are safe and appeal to the community’s biases and sense of humor.

    Something like requiring 10 downvotes to drop from 1 to 0.

    Oh, it would also discourage spite downvoting since it would be hard for any one user to push a persons comment to 0.