• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s much harder to hide corruption when everything is being recorded!

    As an anecdote I work in a 20 person team and we hardly have any managers nor meetings. I honestly haven’t even seen many of my coworkers I work with daily but we all keep loads of records from boards, to RFCs to traditional docs and wrap that all up with daily stand-ups. We’re incredibly productive.

    Remote is amazing when done well and I don’t see how any CEO could say otherwise with a straight face. It saves so much money that all the “connection” gaps can be easily filled in with team building and workations and other events.

    It is the future, well its already the present but many haven’t caught up to it yet.

  • Let’s not kid ourselves that the copyright is stopping mega corporations from stealing your github code.

    What’s stopping them from hiring an engineer that basically rewrites your code? No one would ever know.

    Copyleft enforcement is laughable at best and thats with a legitimate non profits working on it (like FSF) and that’s when it comes to direct library use without modifications and there’s basically no history of prosecution or penalties for partial code copying (nor that there should be imo) that’s even when 1:1 code has been found!

    I feel like copyright has been doing very little in modern age and have yet to see any science that contradicts my opinion here. Most copyright holders (like high 90%) are mega corporations like ghetty images that hardly contribute back to the society.