Perpetually tired mental health counselor, sometimes retro game streamer, comedian, Mensan, coffee connoisseur, bacon lover, chronic pain survivor, nefarious pirate, and generally all-round nice dude…

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Not shocked at all. Things have gone way downhill since I started with the platform. Time was, I’d start up a stream, a dev would come and hang out and actively chat while they worked. Occasionally they’d ask about my opinion about things that were being developed. It felt like actual, meaningful stuff… That was back when it was still and just a little bit after released. When I stopped streaming regularly a couple years ago, even getting a straight answer from a rep on simple questions was like pulling teeth. Then I’d have times where I’d get several different and conflicting responses for simple stuff like if what we were planning for an event would be kosher. Even arranging for some site coverage felt like begging the mob for a favor. “Alright, we’ll get you front page, but it’ll be at 4am, and only for an hour!”

  • Because there’s a socially acceptable acceptable age for some things… How would you feel if a fat, bearded, 40-something man like me came to your house trick or treating, no kids in tow, just me by my lonesome?

    I’m not saying don’t have fun as an adult. God knows life is mundane enough. You want to dress up for Halloween? Go ahead! I know I will be! There’s just something off putting to me about adults going door to door begging for candy. I’m just saying it’s kinda weird.

  • I set a goal for myself to get through as many of Stephen King’s books as I can before the end of the year. To date, I’ve gone through over half of the Dark Tower series, The Shining, Dr. Sleep, It, Later, Under The Dome, Bag of Bones, Desperation, If It Bleeds, and I’m working on The Stand right now. Most of them are quite long, 15 - 50ish hours.

    If you’re not into horror, I still highly recommend The Dark Tower series. The recordings for the first 5 books are over 100 hours. They unfortunately had to change narrators in the 5th book, as the original sadly passed away. He did an amazing job at bringing the characters to life.

    If It Bleeds is a short story collection, but it contains a sequel to King’s The Outsider, followed by Holly, which just came out last month.