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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • I was resistant to ending my use of reddit, but now they have nerfed the mobile site so bad I can’t even login anymore so I’ve stopped trying. I still peruse it on my PC at least once daily but I think that the moment RES finally stops working will spell the end of that.

    As for Facebook. I mostly keep it around for an easy connection to family and friend and a few meme groups that amuse me. But again, only like once a day do I check in ion that site.

    Edit: I should mention that I have never and will never use either of those website’s apps.

  • No, there were pro-Palastine people at the event who were being anti-Semitic and she called them out. But in the article you see that while she has called the attack by Hamas an evil act she also stated that it was brought about by Israel’s treatment of Arabs in that country. She’s been asking for them to not slaughter innocent Palestinians since the beginning. It’s literally right there at the end of everything you quoted.

    “The bigotry and callousness expressed in Times Square on Sunday were unacceptable and harmful in this devastating moment," the congresswoman continued. "It also did not speak for the thousands of New Yorkers who are capable of rejecting both Hamas’ horrifying attacks against innocent civilians as well as the grave injustices and violence Palestinians face under occupation.”

  • Not really. This is typical boomer behavior. They’re old stupid brains can’t wrap their heads around the idea that offices are outdated unneeded concepts in the new digital age. They actually think remote work is somehow losing money for them because workers aren’t getting dressed up and commuting to the office. That somehow by not coming to the office workers are being lazy and not working hard enough for them. And their dumb boomer brains refuse to acknowledge the mountain of evidence that shows that remote workers are actually tremendously more productive than in-office workers