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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • For years now I have only read ebooks on my phone, so one evening I decided to get back to the habit of reading real books.

    So I take my time and carefully pick just the right book, gather some pillows, turn off the lights and lay comfortable on the couch. And after a few confused moments of flipping through pages I realized that these fucking things didn’t work in the dark. And I really don’t like to read under a bright light anymore so back to reddit it was for that evening.

    That said, I think I’ll skip this one, doesn’t sound too comfortable.

  • Speaking as just a hobbyist, a more developer oriented community focused on the topic would be nice, if someone is up to the task.

    It’s currently hard to find any good information about how to actually use LLMs as part of a software project as most of the related subreddits etc. are more focused on shitposting and you don’t currently really want to talk about these in general tech forums without a huge Don’t shoot I’m not one of them! disclaimer.

  • Regarding little Bobby, is there any known guaranteed way to harden the current systems against prompt injections?

    This is something that I’m personally more worried about than Skynet or mass unemployment now that everyone and their dog is rushing to integrate LLMs into to their systems (ok worried maybe a wrong word, but let’s just say I have the popcorns ready for the moment the first mass breaches happen with something like the Windows Copilot).

  • There are probably better solutions but I guess simplest way would be to solve that at the client end?

    Give users the option to merge community views from different instances (maybe too much hassle for the average user), have the client do it automatically for some specified communities, or have a mechanism by which the communities can hint the client to merge their content with specific “friend” communities.

    From users POV the last option would be the easiest (but it should be possible to opt out of it or customize the behaviour). To prevent trolling and harassment the merging would require an authentication from all participating communities. That doesn’t prevent multiple posts on the same subject but if majority of users see the same combined content the likelihood of double posts decreases. It would still spread the load between instances, and if they want the different instances could specialize on different aspects of the subject.

    Just a thought. I don’t know if it makes any sense from technical point, maybe it would be easy to implement without any changes on the underlying protocols or maybe it would require some ugly kludges and would just overcomplicate everything or is something not many people would even need or want.

  • Sentimental in the sense that I have been a Reddit user for 16 years and this makes me feel really really old. And in internet years Reddit is even older, I would have excepted it to die already years ago and it seems exceptional that it has kept going for this long.

    Back when Reddit was starting to get popular I was mildly annoyed and suspicious of it and all these other new fangled web2.0 things but slowly it replaced random forums, news groups, irc and other old school platforms for me. To me Reddit sits somewhere between those and the more modern and “social” web platforms and as such it feels like a relic from the early 2000s that probably has no place in the modern internet. Bit like me myself actually (“Hey, you should post that on Reddit!” is the usual ironic response that I get from my kids whenever I say something really funny or insightful…)

    And like others here I’m worried about all the niche communities and losing the vast source of content that Reddit has accumulated. Sure, most of it is low effort shit as usual but especially with how bad Google has become Reddit is now my first choice when I need to get an overview of some new topic.

    That said I have been planning to delete my Reddit account for a while now. After all these years it has got stale, the hive mind is predictable and it feels like I have seen all the same conversations and topics already too many times. I don’t need to read any threads on more popular subs since I already know what the most upvoted opinions, memes and jokes are going to be. And it seems like every few years they piss off their userbase in some way, who then threaten to quit and find something better and surely this the end of Reddit, and then nothing happens.

    It’s old. I think it’s time to let it go now.