Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • It was a project requirement, PHI was processed by it, so yes, it needed a secure connection. I now realize I should have used mutual auth, but hey, I only learned about that after that project

    We never sent actual data to it (the actually sensitive data used for training never left a secure VM), but the point of the course was to act like we were. Plus, setting up an nginx reverse proxy is simple, setting it up and getting certs from some ssl commands is a 10 minute task that appeases the project manager/professor with minimal effort.

  • I was doing a group project in college where we had a Linux server running some of our custom software. I asked a group mate who worked in IT to self-sign some certs so we could get https up and running for our next sprint demo.

    He installed a fucking snap package to do it via certbot. On fucking RHEL. And that server was not hosting an internet-accessible service. And he didn’t know why I lost my mind.

  • apparently you don’t read TechDirt

    I don’t read TechDirt

    the NSA has … been leaking stuff to the FBI

    Oh, I know about this, I thought you were talking about local law enforcement offices, which is not something I’ve seen.

    As far as the unconstitutionality of the NSA’s actions, I fully agree with you. From the perspective of of an anarchist, I don’t exactly see any alphabet agencies or the branches of government in a good light. I fully expect the NSA to be involved in shenanigans, just as I expect the FBI or CIA to do so.

    the FISC has always been a rubber stamp court so it shouldn’t be necessary for law enforcement to circumvent warrants for NSA information, but it turns out it’s just easier using the NSA backdoor access

    If you are talking about the FBI when you saw law enforcement, the FBI has it’s own malware it uses, such as Magic Lantern historically, and certainly others that are not public. There is also some info about them possibly using the NSO group’s Pegasus spyware, which is obscenely hard to detect, and has, at times, been 0-click, meaning you don’t need to take any actions, and it has cleaned up evidence of tampering. Since the FBI has to make sure their evidence is admissible in court, they do need to make sure their evidence is gathered in such a way that it does not violate laws.

    However, I have listened to interviews with people who argued their case was built on unconstitutional evidence, and claimed that the feds told them “if you try and attack the case like this, we will tack on more charges,” so I’m not saying they always deal with admissibility in court when starting investigations.

    The only gripe I still have is the your statement about the NSA’s lax security, since the breaches I’ve read about have all been done by nation state actors, which tend to be the most capable groups in the world.

    My experience with the NSA, as someone who works in security, does not indicate they have lax security. From their leaked tools (I <3 ghidra), to their security guidelines, to their malware like stuxnet, to their public tools like SELinux (and eventually ghidra), their security capabilities seem solid.

    I don’t want this to come out as me liking the NSA, since I hate a lot of what they do. But as someone who is a huge security nerd and malware enthusiast, I find their tools fascinating, and do have some respect for them from that perspective, in the same way someone might like Kanye’s music and respect his talent, but hate his guts for being a nazi.

    If there are any good techdirt articles, please send them my way, I’d love to read them

  • the NSA’s information security is lax and outdated

    As someone who has read the unclassified reccomendations on infosec written by the NSA and CISA, no, it isn’t. The NSA has some sophisticated security infrastructure, and if stuxnet or eternal blue has shown us, their infosec capabilities are incredible.

    we’re pretty sure Russia and China are unofficially privy to any data they want.

    I have literally never heard anyone say this before and this goes everything I know about cybersecurity, intelligence, and geopolitics.

    The NSA ECC bullshit was to support surveillance, not to weaken their own security. The theoretical vulnerability lies in the usage of the suggested parameters of their curve, not ECC itself. Making surveillance easier is something that the NSA has historically supported.

    at this point NSA leaks stuff to other law enforcement

    I genuinely have never seen anything to support this that is substantial.

    Holy shit I cant believe you’ve made an anarchist defend the NSA but this is so damn wrong.

  • You are right about it being confirmation bias, but I am aware of it. I’ve intentionally blocked out family members and former friends over antisemitism, and I’ve realized that once I gained more control over my life, such as by graduating from school and college, and having the ability to not associate with family. I do not currently live in the deep south, but I have a lot of family living in the thick of the bible belt. I no longer talk to them because of their support of cryptofascism. The only people I discuss politics with are close friends, who range from liberal to radical left, people at protests, immediate family as general talk, and random people online in political communities that skew left, or have no particular bias but have strict “no fascism” rules. Other than occasionally keeping tabs on fascists on twitter, I don’t have very much exposure to fascists.

    However, as I live in an area where the antisemites have to be very mask-on, and they are counterintuitively pro-zionists. This is because the popular breed of fascism near me is christofascism and christian nationalism. These people want the state of isreal solely because it fulfills a prophecy in the book of revelation. Many of them also want jewish people to be expelled or killed, being literal fascists or hyper-christian. They are both antisemitic and zionists.

    But the fact that I have comformation bias in the anecdotes at the beginning and end of what I said is not important.

    What I was hoping to point out is a lot of the supposed antisemitism I see is not in fact antisemitic, it’s just antizionist. For instance, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free” is often called antisemitic (it is even called hate speech by the ADL), but it is not, it is anti-zionist. Attempts to conflate this phrase used by activists with antisemitism only seeks to attempt to silence them, showing that protests against zionism is walking on egg shells. Calling for an end of apartheid structures that limit the freedom of movement of palestinians to small sections of the state is not calling expelling jewish people, or somehow referring to space lasers, or whatever.

    To go to specific examples, there is the van that drove around Harvard with activist’s faces on it labeling them as antisemites. From what I’ve heard through a friend who currently attends Harvard, those are simply anti-zionist activists. Other supposed antisemitic acts during anti-zionist protests at harvard were intentionally spun that way. From what I heard, at a die-in protest, a jewish student walked over the protestors, and one of them supposedly complained to an organizer that they had been stepped on by that student. In response, the organizers forced that student to leave. That friend told me that some local news reports called the protest antisemitic because a jewish student was forced to leave it, but from what he told me it was for a valid reason, being that the organizers wanted to keep their protesters safe from being stepped on.

  • The anti-zionists I know are not antisemitic, and I have not seen them be antisemitic.

    Sometimes I see people say a statement is antisemetic, such as “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free,” or something else with a similar meaning. That is not an antisemetic statement. It is against the state, not against the people, nor is it against the religion or ethnicity, and the two are not equal. Any attempt to equate the two is an attempt to silence people who are against the actions of the state, which is usually what I end up seeing.

    Sure, you can say something that is both, but I almost never see people do this.

  • The main way criminals are caught is when they transfer their crypto to an exchange so they can convert it to cash. Law enforcement will subpoena the exange and ask “Hey, who exchanged 0.7886 bitcoin for cash on this date?” and they will get their identity. Using the public ledger, they will be able to trace the transactions done and show that this person sent money to an address advertised as belonging to a trafficking site, an illegal market, or recieved money from the bad wallet address.

    The address owner is anonymous until there is a source of data that ties information the wallet, and often transactions can be used to do that, just as any way to advertise a wallet belongs to you can, or any way to exchange crypto to cash can.

  • I dont feel that a two state solution would actually fix things. Creating a Palestinian state would be incredibly difficult, it’s why attempts to do so have failed. Israel would object to all but the most disfavorable terms for the Palestinians, and as seen in the past, Palestinians will object to disfavorable terms.

    Forcing a two state solution on them will not work either, wherever state lines have been drawn in the past there has been conflict because of those borders.

    A Palestinian state would also give some legitimacy for Israel to create conflicts with them, and due to their hyper-militization and incredible intelligence capabilities (much less, the capabilities of the USA helping them out) would certainly make any conflicts with the fledgling nation. There will be no peace when there is official means for the two sides to fight amongst them selves, especially when adding religion, border disputes, and Israel’s history of oppression.

    Ideally, as an anarchist, I’d love a no state solution, as it would be impossible for state mechanisms to oppress any group of people with no state. But I think that is not geopolitically feasible because states like states, and creating a stateless society would harm the legitimacy of states themselves.

    Realistically, I think a one-state solution is necessary, but not in the sense of making it an ethnostate for any one group. We would need to follow in the footsteps of attempts to do similar tasks, be it the de-apartheidization of south africa, as well as from the horrors America did in the wake of reconstruction and their colonial expansion, abd various other former setteler-colonial countries. And we should certainly learn from the mistakes of the past. Speaking as an American, with an American-centric view, I think the best way forward is decolonization.

    Israel is rightfully concerned by becoming the minority, they’ve done unspeakable evils to Palestinians, and many Israelis think they are beyond forgiveness, that they are too far gone. Combine that with a long history of minority jewish groups being oppressed by many states all over the world, and their anxiety on this is very understandable.

    However, as long as there is oppression, there will not be peace. Putting a minority group on par with a majority group gives an unequal advantage to the minority, but letting the minority group get trampled is just as bad. I think that in order to protect the religious rights, the state must be secular, and it must have inalienable rights enshrined to everyone equally.

    I think the only way to lower tensions is for Palestinians to forgive Israelis, and the only way for that to happen is for Israel to make up for their crimes. State leaders should be prosecuted, war criminals should be prosecuted, and Israel should fund the repairs needed to provide housing to Gazans, and Palestinians who fled. Palestinians should be able to return to their homelands, and if their homes still exist, they should return to them. If this involves kicking out an Israeli, the state should fund housing for them.

    This isn’t a complete plan by any means, and I don’t want to insinuate that it is. This is just my statist idea on how peace could be achieved, even if I believe that a stateless anarchist revolution would do waaaay better.

    Free Palestine. FTRTTS

  • I’ll admit lemmy is left wing, especially compared to sites like reddit, bluesky, voat, or any one of those fascist twitter clones like parler. But unlike the fascist twitter clones, I’d say many of the more popular instances here aren’t echo chambers, just spaces with larger overton windows.

    there were no vaunted ideals of free speech

    So? Even as someone who loves free speech (i am literally an anarchist), I recognize that speech has consequences, and sometimes those consequences are getting banned or defederated. This article talks about how not being a free speech absolutist makes a site more appealing by removing fascists, and lemmy’s issue with tankies by being more open to them. The second issue sorted itself out using federation and defederation.

    I don’t think it’s a bad thing if people don’t want to see hate speech and wanf moderation. That was the feature that got me to join lemmy at first, beehaw was my first instance and was certainly the least toxic place I have found online.