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Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I followed it a bit, and I followed the one that preceded it in England. Oddly, some evidence that was allowed in England wasn’t allowed in the US, and some evidence allowed in the US wasn’t allowed in England, so a lot of opinions are different based on which trial they paid more attention to.

    Basically, they’re both awful people who were regularly blackout drunk/high, and had a mutually abusive, toxic relationship. A lot of the arguing online is about who was the mostest abusive/toxic, partly (imo) based on the parasocial relationship they have with their celebrity of choice and who had the best zingers in court. In the US trial, Johnny Depp was charming in court and had GREAT lawyers, and Amber Heard came across as very fake (like she was performing for the jury) with terrible lawyers. In the England version, Johnny Depp admitted he didn’t remember what he did or didn’t do to her because he was really high and drunk a lot. They both have witnesses with pretty convincing stories. There was also a lot of fighting about who pushed whom down the stairs, who hit whom, who cut whom with a bottle, etc.

    TL;DR - They’re both emotionally unstable trash and would be AWFUL to date. You didn’t miss much.

  • I understand feeling a little off, a little bit outside of everything and everyone. I feel like I’ve never been anyone’s #1 choice to spend time with. Not my family, friends, husband, or kids. Never. It gets to me, even though I get it and don’t want to spend time with myself either. It’s tough. I hope you can find a good group of friends that you click with and can at least have fun experiences, even if you have periods of being alone in between.

    Also, for the record, the weird dudes have no idea they’re weird. If you’re conscious about how you approach people, I’m already 100% sure you’re not the problem. As we get older, everyone’s lives are so busy and already entrenched in whatever they have going on that it’s tougher to make deep friendships. Although I do see it happen again in the retired crowd. I like to go salsa dancing sometimes (well… I did last year. I don’t find joy in anything right now tbh), and most of the others that go are in their 50s+, with a lot in their 60s and 70s. So I guess life doesn’t end at 40 after all?

    Good luck, internet stranger.

  • Your comment is so kind! Thank you!!! And you’re right, I’ve never really thought about it like that, but it DOES feel like my femininity is attacked! It’s easy to wave off the incel “tHeRe ArE nO wOmEn On ThE iNtErNeT” comments that I don’t come across as much anymore, but from people I know face-to-face, it gets to me. At least enough to avoid the topic. I’m sure there are a lot of women like me all hiding that we play video games!

    It’s not fair that you’re getting the productivity shame either. The people who do that are usually the same people that are like, “Have you seen the latest 5 different series that have dropped on Netflix? I watched them all last weekend.”

    Oh well. I feel like it’ll only get more socially acceptable to spend our free time however we want! It can only go up from here!

  • I (F) have always played video games (started with the NES and AD&D games on PC) because my dad had bought them for my brother, and they were fun. Nearly all of my female friends in junior high played N64 games along with our male friends, but now having friends in my upper 30s, very few of them play video games unless they’re on mobile. And even if they do play mobile games, it’s not Stardew Valley. It’s the shitty ones that come pre-installed or they found through ads on Facebook. There are a few from my junior high nerd bubble that I’m sure still play, but I keep it on the DL at work because everyone is mostly frustrated with their husbands and kids and how much time they sink into games. They’re judgy about it. I’ve started occasionally admitting I play games, but feel like I have to say we play them as a family, and relate it to board games.

    The article surprises me. Although my daughter had tons of friends to play with online during the pandemic, so maybe it’s more zoomers and 20-somethings?