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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I’m eyeing a run through of Pokemon Crystal because I am still on that kick. XD

    My husband just picked up the Demo for Unicorn Overlord and to be honest it looks pretty good, so I’m tempted to also give that one a try. The pacing is nice and snappy and the game play seems straightforward enough. The story is a pretty standard hero’s journey, which isn’t high praise but certainly doesn’t count against it.

    Who doesn’t enjoy the occasional boxed-mac-and-cheesesque storyline?

  • The brief snippets of gameplay I got to experience weren’t half bad. It’s not one I would necessarily discourage other people from trying and I might even recommend looking into it depending on what I knew about their tastes.

    Objectively, I don’t think what I experienced (limited as it was) was a bad game. I think it was a frustratingly paced intro to a game with potential. How much potential, I don’t know. I’ve heard mixed things.

    You’ll have to let me know what you think if you give it a play through.

  • I don’t feel like I played it enough to give it a full or fair assessment, so this is just “at first glance”:

    The biggest issue I had with it was getting a firehose of gameplay tutorials only to be provided very little opportunity for gameplay. I felt like I was frequently darting from cut scene to cut scene, and while I love story this was so start and stop as to be frustrating. The pacing was just…off.

    I also admittedly didn’t care for the brief glimpses of characterization that I got, especially the “every adult character is a completely miserable human being” which was just draining. The protagonist not getting much characterization is less an issue because player characters are often blank slate. It really was overwhelmingly the side cast, and most were NPCs.

    It is possible that I will pick this game up again at some point and completely fall in love with it. The art style is beautiful and there is a quality to it of playing through an anime. Maybe if I liked the story more or any of the characters had grabbed me I’d be more excited. Sometimes it’s just about timing, you know?

  • Yes. Yes I am. I do this. I get hyper-fixated on a series and after the Gen 9 DLC (disappointing btw) I am once again on a Pokemon kick. I don’t know what it is about this series. Fire Emblem is the only other series to come close, but again with the newer gens.

    Kaga created a brilliant game series, but I would probably gnaw off my console arm within the first hour of attempting Thracia. (I’ve watched my husband play it.)

  • Ah! That’s interesting. I’m playing Alpha Sapphire right now. I love Pokemon, but tend toward the newer gens because they have more story.

    Older games, or games that mimic older styles, can be pretty hit and miss for me as a result, even though I can appreciate a lot of the work and complexity put into them from an outside view (watching someone else play).

    Revisiting the anime got me on a Hoenn kick, so here we are.

    If you like indie games, and if you enjoy puzzles and story, have you ever tried Ib? It’s a short indie psychological horror game that is all puzzles (no fighting), but really interesting.

  • So, one of my favorite questions for interviews is something like this:

    “What are the top 3 things you would want any new person walking in the door to know?”

    If they ask you to elaborate, you can explain this is a deliberately broad question meant to catch the kinds of important, organization specific things someone might not think to ask. It could be anything from “When the boss has his door closed it means he’s working on a key project, don’t knock just come back later” or “Never drink the coffee on Monday mornings.” It could also be: “A,B, and C are serious priorities for Management eventually.”

    This sometimes catches people off guard (which is not a bad sign), but it can often yield good information.

    Congrats and best of luck to you!